Chapter 34: Accio

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We found out soon after. Dragons. Hagrid had shown Harry where they were kept, and Harry told Cedric soon after, despite the badges that were still circulating. I met up with him just after that, ready to work out exactly what the hell he was going to do to beat a dragon.

I caught with him just as he bumped into Ron and Seamus, rushing forward as I felt an argument brewing.

"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry snarled at him, I quickly put my hand on his shoulder.

"You think so?" Ron glared at him.

"I know so," Harry replied angrily.

"Anything else?" I glanced at Seamus behind Ron's shoulder, raising my eyebrows, but he seemed equally unimpressed with Harry.

"Yeah, stay away from me!" Harry told him and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," Ron and Seamus stormed past us, Harry turning to walk the other way before my brother stepped into our path.

"Why so tense Potter?" He mocked, "My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

I gave Draco a warning glance, but he just smirked at me, turning his attention back to Harry.

"Draco, be quiet," I snapped at him, sensing Harry's fury rising.

"I don't give a damn what you or your father think, Malfoy," Harry spat, "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic."

Harry turned on his heel to storm away, and I gave Draco one last scathing look before following him.

"No, you don't," Moody appeared out of nowhere, "I'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned!"

Harry and I whipped around, staring in shock at the space my brother had been moments before. In his place was a white ferret, suspended in the air by Moody. My eyes widened as he was bounced around the place, squeaking in fear, students laughing around us.

Sure, he deserved it, but what was wrong with Moody? He really had it out for my brother, though I couldn't believe he was going that far.

"Professor Moody! What are you doing?" McGonagall rushed over, attracted by the crowd of students.

"Teaching," Moody didn't even look at her.

"Is that a student?" McGonagall was aghast, laughter rising around her as my brother was forced to climb up Goyle's trouser leg.

The moment he resurfaced, McGonagall turned him back to normal. He scrambled to his feet, staring in fear at Moody as he realised he was back to being human again.

"My father will hear about this!" He snarled, backing up as Moody advanced on him.

"Is that a threat!" Moody yelled as Draco turned and fled, "I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair boy! It doesn't end here!"

"Professor Moody!" McGonagall got his attention again, before he could go after Draco, "We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that."

"He might have mentioned it," Moody shrugged.

"Well, you will do well to remember it," McGonagall gave him one last scathing look, before turning and walking away.

I shared a look with Harry, feeling uneasy, as Moody turned his attention back to us.

"Potter, with me," Harry gave me an apologetic look as he hurried after Moody, who was moving pretty quickly considering he only had one leg.

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