Chapter 75: All I Ask

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Ginny took the meeting for Neville and I as we sat on a couch, observing. They had been given the task to work out another way of blocking spells than standard protection or throwing another spell back. Tonight it was time to find out what they had come up with.

It was frustrating to watch from the sidelines, but I couldn't do much more. In a way, it was good - I was watching from afar rather than taking part, and so I could give them pointers from this new angle, make them stronger and better.

Before the night was over, Ginny informed us of our next plan to annoy Snape and the Carrows. Small bundles of tissue to be spread about the school, a timer on them until they transformed into leaflets about Muggleborns in wizarding history. They couldn't be destroyed, at least not by common spells, and they wouldn't be noticed while they were spread.

We left in turns as usual to return to our common rooms, in small groups so not to attract attention. I left last, telling them I'd catch them up in a bit. Ginny was unimpressed, citing that I couldn't walk alone while injured, but I shooed her away.

I needed to see Snape.

He sensed my arrival, waiting at the door the second I stepped in. He was wide-eyed, looking at what I imagined was a frail, thin body, and visibly deflated at the sight.

"I'm fine," I said sharply, "And I know you had no choice, if you had taken us down, you would have been found out. It's our own fault, you warned me not to do it again, but I ignored you. Neville and I both lived, and we'll be good as new in a few days."

"Still, I am sorry," he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Having to see you there..."

"My back is already almost healed, the pain is gone," I shrugged, "I just figured, since you wouldn't have seen me due to my friends hiding me away, I should let you know I'm fine."

"I am relieved," Snape sighed, "Your brother informed your parents. They have been owling me non-stop about you, but I haven't been able to tell them anything. Your brother is particularly worried."

"Do you know where I might find him?" I questioned, and he nodded.

"He avoids the Slytherin common room these days," he told me, "I often see him out near the Black Lake. He was there half an hour ago, it's likely he still is."

"Before I go," I stopped, "Can I write a letter to my parents? It can be hidden with yours, just so they know it wasn't your fault and that I am alright."

He nodded, handing me parchment and a quill. I wrote to them, telling them how Snape had tried to warn me he couldn't protect me if I kept acting out, but I ignored him. Telling them it was the Carrows, not him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it lest be accused of betraying the Dark Lord. I told them I was fine, scarred but the injuries had healed, my friends had cared for me. I told them not to worry about me, I'd see them at Easter, but I couldn't promise to keep my head down.

"Lyra, before you go," Snape stopped me, "I thought you'd like to know your friends are together again. They destroyed the Horcrux together, they've figured out the Dark Lord is after the Elder Wand too."

"How did they destroy it?" Snape's eyes darted to the empty display case, "The Sword? How?"

"I sent it to them," he said, "Hid it and led them to it. They don't know it was me, but now they have the tool required to destroy the rest of them."

"So, the diary, the ring and the locket," I frowned, "They're halfway there."

Snape froze slightly before nodding. He was hiding something, I didn't know what.

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