Chapter 81: Family

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I couldn't help but smile, despite the life and death situation. Here was my father, fighting on the right side, working beside me, finally seeing the truth. It was as though that knowledge made my magic stronger, my spells threw Death Eaters across the courtyard.

"We need to kill the snake," I told him between spells, "Kill the snake and he is vulnerable."

"Believe me, I am more than happy to get rid of that damn snake," he hissed, shooting a spell over my shoulder, "Watch your back."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked suddenly, "If he wins, it won't just be me who is killed anymore."

"Well, if he wins, we're dead anyway," my father shrugged, "Your mother told him he killed Potter. And anyway -"

He paused as I shot a curse over his shoulder, knocking down a Death Eater.

"What sort of father am I if I don't help you out in a life or death battle," I grinned at his words, we ran deeper into the castle where the fighting was heaviest.

We fought side by side, my father saved every Hogwarts student he came across, eliciting shocked reactions. More than once I had to deflect a curse from an Order member, a quick explanation shot towards them, then back to the battle.

The Great Hall was filled with fighters, the heart of the battle was inside it. Spells were being shot in every direction, I lost count of how many times my father dropped Death Eaters who shot one too close to my head.

"Has anyone seen that damned snake?" I yelled over the battle, my father still by my side.

"Its through there," Dean Thomas eyed my father, throwing a curse over his shoulder, "Ron was dealing with it, last I saw."

We found ourselves rounding a corner just as Nagini lunged at Ron and Hermione, they were cowered in a corner, no spells doing any damage. Before either of us could react, Neville darted forth, slashing the Sword of Gryffindor through the snake, and she disappeared into ashes.

"Nice one, Neville," I breathed heavily, when a loud yell came from outside.

By the time we reached outside, a crowd had gathered. In the centre, Harry, holding two wands in his hands. In front of him, a body.

The Dark Lord was dead.

Cheering filled the air - the remaining Death Eaters dropped their wands, understanding they had been defeated. I threw myself at my father, hugging him tightly.

We moved to the Great Hall, the mood became more subdued as we counted our losses. Some people sat, distant looks on their faces, silent. Others chatted, drank the tea set out by Madam Pomfrey, relished in the victory. My mother and brother appeared, relief flooding them when they saw my father and I, alive.

Tobias appeared by my side, hugging me tightly, realising afterwards that my family were stood beside me. There was an awkward stand-off, Tobias didn't know what to say, my father was silent, Draco kept his head down.

"You're injured," my mother gave him a careful smile, taking him to sit down, "Let me look at it."

McGonagall replaced the house tables, giving everyone somewhere to sit. My mother spoke to Tobias gently as she healed him, I sat slightly apart with my father and brother. They were both tense, awkward, unsure if that was where they should be.

"Nobody is going to bother you, any of you," I said gently, "All three of you were vital to the winning of this battle. Besides, you've got the current leader of Dumbledore's Army on your side."

My father gave me a small smile, shaking his head, but Draco kept his own head down. I didn't push.

My mother and Tobias came over again, he was healed. My mother started on me, muttering as she bandaged up my shoulder, but also telling me how proud she was. I grinned at Tobias as he sat across from me. Were things finally going to be normal again?

It took a while, but things did go back. The first few years after the battle were the most devastating, the Dark Lord had left his mark. Most of the Death Eaters were arrested and sentenced to life in Azkaban. My family avoided that due to their efforts in the final moments, as well as my father giving information on more Death Eaters.

We mourned the dead for a long time. The Fallen Fifty, those who died on our side, fighting for the world. They were memorialised, we would never forget their sacrifice.

Tobias and I both returned to Hogwarts for our real seventh year, taking our N.E.W.Ts. In reality, I didn't need to - anyone who actively participated in the Battle was seen to have the qualifications to become Aurors now, the aim I had had for years. But all the same, I elected to return.

I became an Auror, like I had planned on. Tobias became a Healer, something that came as a bit of a shock to me - previous conversations led me to believe he would also become an Auror. But he told me that, from what he had seen in the last year, his views changed.

My parents were more than happy at our relationship, and they gave Tobias their blessing before he proposed to me. We married not long after we left Hogwarts, and a few years later, Draco married Astoria Greengrass.

Tobias studied hard as a Healer, and he eventually reached the level where he could brew Wolfsbane for me - since Snape, I hadn't been able to obtain it. I was beyond grateful for him, my transformations had grown more difficult from the year under the Carrows.

Harry made sure everyone knew who Snape really was. He avoided being named as a main Death Eater, and instead everyone knew of his heroic and selfless actions. Though many of us still wore the scars of his rule, we knew how much worse it would have been without him.

I worked with Harry, Neville and Ron, Hermione was also in the Ministry, though she worked for another branch of Magical Law Enforcement than the Aurors. Draco elected not to work, the same as I could have due to the Malfoy inheritance, but I wanted to do something good with my life.

I was finally truly happy. Married to Tobias, a good job, a great relationship with my family. And no more Dark Lord.

All was well.

Pariah: The Other MalfoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora