Chapter 70: The Forest

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I woke up in the cage, hissing in pain as I sat up. Where was I? What happened? It looked like the Great Hall, but surely not. Why was I in so much pain? It all came rushing back to me and I choked back the horror. It wasn't the time to break down. I needed to get out.

"She needs to be seen to, Professor Carrow," I recognised McGonagall's voice, "Madam Pomfrey needs to treat her."

"She's a filthy half-breed, she doesn't deserve help," Alecto Carrow replied haughtily.

"She remains one of my students and I say she gets help," McGonagall's voice was icy, "Feel free to bring it up with the headmaster, but right now I will see to it she gets medical attention. Unless you would like to curse me as well?"

The doors slammed open and McGonagall marched in with Madam Pomfrey close behind. Both Carrows were stood at the entrance, looking annoyed. They didn't come in though, they simply shut the doors and walked off, presumably to complain to Snape.

"Oh, Malfoy," McGonagall ran towards me, worry plastered on her face. I made a brave attempt to sit up but the pain in my side made me fall back down again.

"Professor," I grimaced, "Sorry."

"Sorry? Whatever are you sorry about?" McGonagall was flustered, she opened the cage carefully, "I should be sorry for not helping you!"

"It's fine, you couldn't," I winced as Madam Pomfrey dabbed my wounds.

"I never imagined..." McGonagall helped me stand as soon as Madam Pomfrey was finished, her eyes searching mine for any pain.

"Thanks, miss," I said quietly, "I'm fine... I just need to lie down for a bit."

"I'll take you to Gryffindor Tower," she supported me as we walked, her eyes scanning the hallway for the Carrows.

My friends were waiting when I finally reached the tower. Neville stepped forward, taking me from McGonagall and helping me onto the sofa, his eyes filled with concern at my appearance.

"They're monsters," Ginny spat from beside me.

"On the bright side, I don't have to try and keep my condition a secret," I tried to joke, but my voice was flat.

"Lyra, I..." Seamus trailed off, "I'm sorry."

"I just need a rest, I'll be fine," I reassured them, "I'm just tired is all."

"Madam Pomfrey has healed you well," Neville agreed, "Rest up. We'll make sure nobody disturbs you."

And so I slept until evening. It was a Saturday, there were no classes so I didn't have the Carrows hunting me down. I was awoken early evening by Ginny, her face slightly dark.

"Snape sent an owl, he wants you in his office," she handed me the letter, "We can go to the Room of Requirement?"

"No, don't worry," I groaned as I sat up, "I'll go. Can't be worse than last night. Besides, how can I lead the DA if I'm scared of Snape?"

"If you need help, use the coin," I flashed it at her, smiling slightly.

"It'll be in my pocket," I said before stretching out my limbs, gingerly placing my feet on the floor.

"Good luck," her eyes followed me as I left, her brow furrowed. I prayed she wasn't suspicious.

Snape was waiting with potions for me. I downed them instantly and he examined my condition, worry clear in his face. He apologised and I assured him I was fine, that there was nothing he could have done.

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