Chapter 60: Christmas at the Burrow

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"Ron... do you think I can stay at yours over Christmas?" I asked suddenly, and my three friends went quiet. Harry and Ron were sat together in a compartment with Tobias, Hermione nowhere to be seen.

"I thought... you had to go back?" Harry asked and I didn't need to see their faces to know how confused they were. Every other time, I'd just gone back to save any repercussions.

"I know... Draco," I sighed, "Draco came and spoke to me. He told me You-Know-Who is planning on... getting rid of me, this Christmas. Apparently they believe I'm aware of some plan, they want to stop me telling people."

"Do you know of a plan?" Tobias asked.

"Of course not," I said, "But whatever this plan is, it must be big. If it's worth killing me or having Dumbledore involved, it's something bigger than we ever anticipated."

"You are absolutely staying at mine," Ron said firmly, "We'll make space."

Mrs Weasley was more than happy for me to stay with them for the holidays, no questions asked. I was still confused and shaken somewhat - what was my brother doing? I could tell Harry was suspicious, wondering if I knew more than I let on, but he never asked me anything.

The next evening, we were setting up the table for dinner when a new arrival came.

"Lyra's missing!" I heard Lupin speak as the door burst open.

"I'm... right here," I said, frowning.

"Oh, thank god," he hugged me tightly and I gave a small smile.

"Why did you think she was missing?" Mrs Weasley asked him.

"As you know, I've been infiltrating Greyback's ranks for the past few months. We've lost them to Voldemort, I don't think there's any helping that, but he took an interest in you, Lyra," Remus sighed, "Voldemort told Greyback that we had to look for you, that you hadn't returned for Christmas. He plans to... kill you. Greyback sent us all to hunt for you, he takes a special interest given you are like... us."

"You-Know-Who wants to kill her?" Mrs Weasley was aghast.

"He thinks I know something. Draco warned me not to come home, that's why I ended up here," I sighed, "He told me that, but I hoped it wasn't true. But it means whatever they are planning, it's going to be big. I don't know if we are prepared."

Lupin took Harry and I, along with Tonks and Mr Weasley into the sitting room after dinner, Harry wanted to talk to them about what he had overheard and Lupin felt I was within my rights to be party to the conversation.

"Draco's plotting something, I know it, something to do with Voldemort," Harry explained, "He's been given a task or a mission -- and Snape was offering to help."

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" I tried not to flinch at Lupin and Harry's uses of the name.

"That much is true, Draco told me himself," I said quietly, "I just... don't know what it is."

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so that he could find out what he's up to?" Lupin asked, but something inside me knew that Snape was aware of Draco's task.

"That's not what it sounded like," Harry said shortly.

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus," Tonks spoke up, "To make an Unbreakable Vow, after all—"

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. He trusts Snape. Therefore, I do," Lupin said with an air of finality.

"But Dumbledore can make mistakes," Harry argued, "He's said it himself—"

"You're blinded by hatred," Lupin disagreed.

"I'm not—"

"You are!" Lupin cut him off sharply, the rest of us silent, "People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed."

Harry stood up at that, I could sense how angry he was. The others followed soon after, an awkward silence surrounding us after Lupin's outburst. Eventually, I was left sitting with Lupin by myself.

"Lyra," he said gently, "I haven't had the chance to contact you, due to the whole undercover thing. How... are your transformations these days?"

"You don't still blame yourself?" I raised an eyebrow, Lupin was one of the best people I knew, "Professor, I never blamed you. Please, I can't bear it if you still hate yourself for what happened."

"Call me Remus, Lyra, I'm not your professor any more," he skirted the question and I sighed.

"With exams and everything else, I'm more tired than before," I said carefully, "Over summer, I wasn't given Wolfsbane like usual, so with the added... well... It was hard, I think my wolf was afraid of the pain I faced when human, things were bad. But I survived, and Snape is back to giving me Wolfsbane."

"I'm glad," there was an awkward pause, "The transformations are awful without the potion, it's a relief you don't have to face that often."

"Does Snape not still make you potions?" I questioned, frowning.

"Snape only did it because I was a teacher, and Dumbledore requested it," I could hear the small smile in Remus' voice, "He doesn't like me, so he feels no obligation to give me it anymore."

"What? Take mine, Remus, please!" I spoke quickly, "I'm younger, I can manage, but you have an important job!"

"No, Lyra," he said sharply, "You keep taking your potions. I'm used to this by now, you're not. Keep taking the potions as long as they are available for you, please."

"At least take them this coming week," I pleaded, "Consider it a Christmas gift."

"Lyra—" he sighed.

"Please?" I repeated, "It would make me feel so much better. Its only one week! It won't kill me! Besides, you can't refuse a gift."

"Fine, one week," he shook his head, "You'll need to transform at mine, the Weasley's don't have anywhere for you to do so. And we'll transform together, I keep my human mind, therefore I can keep you in check."

"Deal," I nodded, smiling slightly.

The transformation went better than expected. The presence of another wolf, a scent I recognised, seemed to calm my own wolf significantly. Remus told me I slept peacefully for most of the night, rather than being on high alert due to what the Death Eaters had done to me.

Though we were both exhausted the next morning, we had no injuries or other problems. It was as though I had used the Wolfsbane as well, just like any normal transformation.

The holidays were peaceful almost. I helped out around the Weasley house, though I was very unused to doing chores due to my upbringing. We played a few Quidditch matches together, our thoughts taken from the reality of our world for a short while. Harry and Ron frequently whispered together, and I could guess the contents of those conversations, but I didn't care.

I knew my brother would do the right thing. He had to.

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