Chapter 24: Yuletide Spirit

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Harry's broom was destroyed by the Whomping Willow. He thanked me for my Patronus helping him, and immediately asked Lupin for lessons too. He said he'd help after the holidays, as he needed to rest before then.

He was definitely looking worse on the lead up to the full moon and I felt awful for him. His face was ashen and his scars grew more pronounced, but he still gave his all during DADA lessons. Everyone agreed he was the best DADA teacher we had had in our three years, given we had finally learnt something.

My father was told by Snape about my Patronus, and he expressed his pride in me for it. I hoped he wouldn't mention it at Christmas as I knew it would anger Draco even more, but it couldn't be helped. I wouldn't drop him in it whatever happened, so there was that at least.

The holidays drew ever nearer, we were mostly occupied with classes, though we received some depressing news before it. Hagrid had been called to speak about the incident with Buckbeak, and though he wasn't fired, Buckbeak was sentenced to death.

I felt awful. I had owled my father before the hearing date, begging him to reconsider, but Draco was his only son and he was adamant Hagrid couldn't go unpunished. So he was the one who called for execution, scheduled some time from then, but with no opportunity to overturn it.

I apologised over and over again, though Hagrid said it wasn't my fault. I still felt responsible though, seeing as it was my family's fault. After that news, I had spent most of the day with Buckbeak, feeding him and petting him, though it wouldn't change what would happen to him.

The last Hogsmeade trip before the holidays came, and Tobias and I decided to go on our own instead of with Ron and Hermione. I regretted that afterwards though, when I heard that Harry had managed to sneak out and after their explanation of an overheard conversation.

During the trip to Hogsmeade, I met up with Sirius. I told Tobias I'd catch him in half an hour at a cafe, and legged it to the woods with a basket of food packed up by the House Elves. Sirius was waiting for me in dog form, transforming the moment he saw I was alone.

"I wasn't sure if you would remember," he accepted the basket from me, digging in immediately.

"You shouldn't have been at the Quidditch match," I said quietly, watching him eat.

"I wanted to see Harry," he sighed slightly, "I couldn't help myself. But, Miss Malfoy, that Patronus? Very impressive!"

"I've been practising with Professor Lupin," I blushed slightly, "The Dementors affect me... well, quite badly. I've never managed corporeal until that day though!"

"It was a very strong Patronus," he smiled at me, "A Hippogriff, I believe?"

We spoke for another twenty minutes or so, it wasn't as though as I was talking to an escaped convict, but just a casual chat with an uncle figure. I almost lost track of time, realising I needed to go meet Tobias before he came searching for me or thought I had ditched him.

"I'll see you after the holidays, next Hogsmeade trip!" I told him, grabbing my bag and standing, "I'll bring more food. And I'll tell you if there's any more news about that rat, though I haven't seen him for a good few weeks. He's probably hiding since you tried to break in."

"Stay safe," he smiled at me, "I'll see you after the holidays. If you need anyone to talk to, if your father is back to his old ways, send a letter to Padfoot."

My day was perfect before Tobias and I returned to Hogwarts and spoke to the others.. Tobias and I had spent most of it at Madam Puddifoot's, just generally having a laugh. I was so appreciative of Tobias and how he accepted me despite my roots, despite how I was when I first came to Hogwarts. He was beyond supportive of me, still offering me a bed at his if things changed when I went home. I thanked him profusely, promising I wouldn't hesitate to go to him if things went wrong, but I also promised that I was confident I would be fine.

The others had overheard the teachers talking about Sirius Black. Harry had discovered that Sirius was his godfather and that he had allegedly betrayed his best friends to the Dark Lord. When I heard him ranting, I wanted more than anything to tell him the truth. But I knew it wasn't my place, and also that all I had was Sirius' word. It wasn't exactly concrete evidence.

So I was forced to listen in silence as he told us he would kill Sirius if he ever saw him. I felt awful, knowing I knew more than him, but there was nothing I could do. He would learn eventually, especially if I found a way to get that rat from Ron.

I didn't have time to work out a way to do it before Christmas, however, as soon it was time to return to Malfoy Manor. The others were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays, but my parents wanted me home due to the fact we had missed two Christmases together so far.

Much to my disappointment, one of the first things my father mentioned was the Patronus. Draco was obviously expecting a lot of fuss over the Hippogriff attack from months ago, but my father had decided he had helped enough by getting Buckbeak sentenced to death.

It probably also added insult to injury that my Patronus was a Hippogriff.

"A Patronus! Corporeal as well," my father beamed, "We are so proud of you, Lyra. Here, we got you a pre-Christmas present as a well done!"

I was handed the package and hadn't even opened it by the time Draco stormed out. My father's face darkened as he stared at the slammed door, anger radiating off of him.

"Has he been harassing you at school?" I was asked instantly, and my eyes widened.

"No, not at all," I offered a small smile, "I think he's just... confused by your change of opinion still."

"That doesn't excuse his attitude," my father pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'll talk to him," my mother stepped forward, "Open your present, Lyra."

I smiled again, opening the packaging. Inside was an ornamental Hippogriff, handcrafted with amazing detail. It was somewhat ironic to me, given my father had called for the death of one, but I didn't say anything. I examined it, my smile widening, before looking over to my parents.

"Thank you so much!" I hugged my father tightly, my mother having left already.

"I'm proud of you," my father said softly, "Not just for the Patronus. But for... for your forgiveness."

I didn't respond, I just smiled at him, holding the Hippogriff in my hands. After a few seconds of silence, I decided to speak.

"Can you... promise me something?" I asked carefully and he nodded, "Never let anything like that come between us again. Different views, whatever. I just want to be a family from now on, like it was before."

"I promise you, Lyra," he whispered, "Never again will I let you feel like you aren't part of this family. No matter what happens, we will stick together."

It was the best Christmas I could remember. Though Draco didn't speak to me much on the surrounding days, things seemed to go back to normal for that one day between us. We were joking around, sharing the sweets we had each received, even using Zonko products on one another.

My parents were happy too. Normally a Malfoy Christmas involved inviting a heap of people, having some fancy ball, but not this year. This year it was just us and the food.

I laughed until it hurt that day, the happiness I felt fit to a bursting point. When I was first sorted to Gryffindor, I never thought I would experience anything like it again. I thought my family would be gone forever, but my father had worked as hard as he could to try and rectify it.

The evening ended with us playing Exploding Snap, my mother and father letting their 'proper' masks fall and laughing widely. The laughter reached breaking point went my father looked up with singed eyebrows, a surprised expression on his face.

I had the feeling my Patronus would be even more powerful after that night.

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