Chapter 42: The Dark Lord

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"Lucius, this is your daughter?" I stared up at the thing I knew to be the Dark Lord. He was tall and skeletally thin, with a face whiter than a skull, with wide, livid scarlet eyes and a nose that was as flat as a snake's with slits for nostrils, his hands were like large, pale spiders; his long white fingers caressed his own chest, his arms, his face; the red eyes, whose pupils were slits, like a cat's, gleamed still more brightly through the darkness. Fear struck me as I stared up at him, a sickening grin plastered on his face.

"Indeed, my Lord," my father bowed slightly and I gulped.

"I've been told she belongs to Gryffindor," his voice was like a whisper, "Is this true?"

"Yes, my Lord," my father said.

"And she's a half-breed?" I felt my father tense.

"Yes, my Lord," he said slightly stiffly.

"How disappointing for you... but I've had Gryffindor and half-breed supporters before, and I'm sure that being a Malfoy will prove where her loyalties lie," the Dark Lord spoke, "I am correct, I presume."

"Of course, my Lord," my father spoke immediately, I tensed beside him, "She is loyal to our cause, to you. I would never allow anything else."

"Good," he eyed me for a few seconds longer, I held his gaze fiercely, "I'm sure we will find a use for her eventually."

There was silence for a few seconds, I was having something of a staring match with the Dark Lord. I wanted more than anything to just curse him there and then, but that would result in the death of my entire family.

"Lyra, go to your brother upstairs," my father cleared his throat, "Now."

I did as I was told, going to the upstairs landing where my brother stood. His eyes were narrowed at me, he sneered as I approached, it seemed we were back to square one.

"I see mother managed to fix your face," I commented snidely.

"You're lucky I can't tell the Dark Lord the truth," he snarled, "But you and your mudblood friends will regret it when school starts again, mark my words."

"I'm just so scared of you, Draco," I rolled my eyes, "As much as I have enjoyed this conversation with you, I am going to have to go now."

He glared after me as I walked to my room, but I was very aware of the power he held over me. He could tell the Dark Lord about me, while also protecting our parents. He was conniving enough to come up with something.

That summer, I mostly stayed in my bedroom, Polky delivering my meals to me. The Dark Lord left after a little over a week, but he could return at any moment, plus Death Eaters frequently visited my father to discuss things.

I overheard the odd bit of conversation. The Order of the Phoenix had been restarted due to the Dark Lord's return, they were the group that worked to defeat him last time. The only news they had was that the Order was back, they had no idea what was really going on with it.

I saw Snape a few times too, he always came to see me, discreetly handing me letters from my friends when he arrived, then collecting my replies before he left. I was more than grateful for it, because otherwise I would have spent the whole summer isolated.

My parents always made sure the house was empty of Death Eaters on the nights of my transformations. It was really the only time I ever saw my father, he was either in meetings or at the Ministry every other time, or I was in my room out of the way.

Every month they both apologised to me. They were doing their best to protect me from the Dark Lord, while still staying in favour with him to protect the entire family. While they worked hard at that, Draco tormented me at every opportunity, mocking me and my friendships when he knew he wouldn't be overheard. I did my best to ignore him, confident he would get his comeuppance at Hogwarts.

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