Chapter 26: The Truth

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We rushed to the back door silently, opening it and slipping out as the other three walked in. We ducked behind the giant pumpkins, waiting for an opportunity, before legging it up to where Hermione had socked Draco before.

The bells began to toll as we reached the top, turning to look down at Hagrid's hut in the distance. A lump formed in my throat as we saw figures leaving the hut, before the sun reflected off the axe as it swung down to where Buckbeak likely was.

Ron held Hermione as she cried into his shoulder, Harry and I standing frozen and upset. This was all Draco's fault, and now Buckbeak was dead. I grabbed Harry's hand, sadness rushing over me as we watched the figures go back inside.

Suddenly, Ron exclaimed in pain as he dropped Scabbers, the rat scampering off the opposite direction in the castle. Before we could stop him, he started off after him, heading straight for the Whomping Willow.

"Ron!" I yelled as we started after him, watching as he was oblivious to the danger he was in.

He leapt towards Scabbers, gripping him tightly to prevent his escape before turning back to us. We were frozen, just out of reach of the tree, eyes wide as we stared at Ron.

"Ron! Run!" Hermione yelled, "Behind you!"

"Harry, run!" Ron screamed, pointing behind us.

The Grim. Or rather, Sirius. He snapped his jaws at us, charging and leaping over our heads, grabbing Ron by the leg and dragging him beneath the trunk of the tree. I didn't hesitate as I ran after them, sliding across the ground and beneath the tree, landing on my feet at the bottom pathway.

I waited for Harry and Hermione, and minutes later they appeared too. I glanced at them before sighing, leading the way through the dark path. This was never going to end well, I knew that much, but Sirius had dragged Ron inside this place and so we had to follow.

"Do you know where this leads?" Hermione asked, following me.

"I have a sneaking suspicion," I sighed, "I just hope I'm wrong."

The tunnel led into a house, the floor covered in dust that had only recently been disturbed by Ron and Sirius. It was easy to figure out where they had gone, but Harry and Hermione paused just before the wooden floor.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asked carefully, but I didn't answer as I ventured on.

We walked up the stairs and onto the landing, silent as we followed the path left for us. We came to a room where Ron was sat on the bed, no sign of Sirius whatsoever.

"Ron, you're okay!" Hermione ran past me, kneeling beside Ron who was clutching his leg.

"It's a trap, Harry. He's the dog. He's an Animagus..." Ron stammered, and we all turned to look at the door.

Sirius was stood there, eyeing us all with interest. Harry drew his wand, as did Hermione but I didn't join. Sirius locked eyes with me before turning his attention to Harry, his eyes softening somewhat.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll -- you'll... have to kill us, too!" Hermione said, stepping in front of him.

"Only one will die tonight," Sirius said.

"Then it'll be you!" Harry lunged at Sirius, knocking him to the ground as Hermione and I tried to stop him.

"Going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius laughed, but I didn't see what he found funny.

"Yes," Harry snarled.

Suddenly, the door slammed open again and Harry's wand flew out of his hand. Professor Lupin was standing at the door, aiming his wand right at Sirius' chest as Harry rose again.

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