Chapter 54: Safe

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"Lyra, oh my god," my friends surrounded me the moment they caught sight of me. I offered my mother a weak smile before going over to join them, my brother and her standing stiffly,

"I shouldn't have gone back," I said, gladly accepting the support I was offered from Harry, "He was there. He knew I had helped at the Ministry, that I had been part of his followers being jailed and the prophecy breaking... He gave me a choice, be punished or join him..."

"I don't think we need to ask which one you chose," Ron sighed as Lupin came over to us.

"Lyra, I was looking for you," he said before stopping and staring in shock.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I smiled at him, "It could have been worse."

"What's wrong with your arm?" Ron asked, and I realised I had been subconsciously holding it.

"Oh, nothing," my smile faltered slightly, "It's fine."

"What's wrong with your arm?" Lupin repeated the question and I sighed in defeat before pulling up my sleeve.


The words stood out, a deep red against my pale skin. My shoulders slumped as my friends went silent, contrasting to the buzz surrounding the train as students said farewell. After a few moments of silence, I pulled my sleeve down again, a sick feeling growing.

"I... I'm so..." Lupin couldn't get the words out, I forced my head up.

"It's fine," my voice faltered, "We'd better get going. We'll miss the train."

My friends shared glances before doing as I said, heading towards the Hogwarts Express. Lupin caught my arm before I could follow them, I could feel him studying my face.

"If you need anything, someone to talk to or anything else, send me an owl," he said gently before releasing my arm.

The train ride was silent to begin with. Harry eventually spoke up, saying how Dumbledore had collected him a few days prior, taking him to enlist a new teacher. He had then spent the last few days of the holidays with the Weasleys.

Tobias was sat close to me, squeezing my hand tightly, I could feel his eyes on me. I just sat with a furrowed brow, not quite in the room anymore.

Halfway through the journey, an owl tapped on the window. Hermione let it in before passing its letter to me, a Hogwarts seal on it.

"It's your O.W.L results," she said, recognising the envelope, "Did you not get them?"

"No," I sighed, opening the envelope, "If they were sent, I never got given them."

Pass Grades
Fail Grades

Lyra Malfoy has achieved:
Ancient Runes - O
Arithmancy - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - O
History of Magic - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

"Nine Outstanding!" Tobias read over my shoulder, "That's fantastic! Well done!"

I gave a small smile before folding the letter up, tucking it away again. I knew my friends were communicating among themselves at my passive response considering my straight Os, but I frankly couldn't care less about my results. Too much had happened since then, it was hardly an important point for me anymore.

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