Chapter 76: Return to the Manor

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As Easter neared, I wondered how many students wouldn't return after the holidays. Things were getting more severe, I figured we would lose a lot of the student body, despite Hogwarts being compulsory. There were always ways to hide, and hiding was probably much better than returning and facing whatever came next.

The Dark Lord was still gone at Easter, still on his never-ending hunt. My family and Bellatrix were the only ones at the Manor, but that didn't fill me with any relief. Bellatrix sneered the moment I walked in, I knew the Carrows must have been filling her in, and I immediately ducked to the side as she raised her wand at me.

"Bella!" My mother said quickly, moving to her sister's side, "Please."

"This blood-traitor has been actively defying the Dark Lord!" Bellatrix shot another spell as I dodged again, my eyes wide as the spell cracked against the wall above my head.

"Go upstairs," my father barked, giving me a hard look, and I didn't argue. I glanced at Draco before legging it upstairs, closing the door and collapsing on the bed.

I grabbed my wand and the coin, sending a message to the whole DA.

Bellatrix is here, so I likely won't reply to any messages. See you in two weeks.

I shoved the coin back in my pocket just as my parents opened the door.

"Let us see your back," that was the first point of call, the condition of my ever beaten body, "They've healed well. Scars remain, but they are just white lines. What were you thinking?"

"You know what I was thinking," I pulled the back of my shirt down, "And you know I won't say it out loud, to save you from being equally guilty."

"Bellatrix isn't happy, but she's agreed not to curse you unless you do something in front of her," my mother said gently, "So, please, behave while you're here. We know we can't police your behaviour at Hogwarts, you are too strong in your beliefs, but we can't sit and watch if she does something."

"I'll behave, for your sake," I sighed, "Because I know you'll try and help, and then you'll get in trouble."

They reluctantly left me in my room after that, knowing Bellatrix would grow suspicious as though we were conspiring.

Bellatrix disappeared a few days later to speak to someone, so my family sat in the dining room together, a discussion coming between us. They were trying to convince me it was a losing battle, the Dark Lord would defeat Harry and I would be stuck on the same side. I disagreed, telling them they were welcome to stay on their side, and I would face the consequences of my actions.

"And what if Potter does win? What if... if we end up separated anyway?" My father asked and I hesitated.

"If that happens, I'll vouch for you," I said firmly, "You won't need to lie. What you're doing is for the security of our family, not because of your loyalties."

"Yet if he wins, we lose you," my mother whispered.

"You won't lose me," I told her firmly, "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"Did you know what you were doing when you were whipped in front of the entire school?" Draco snapped, "When you carved those things on the wall and were caught? Did you have that all planned out?"

"I knew the risks," I shot back, "We all did, and we were willing to take them. All they succeeded in doing was getting more people on our side, they didn't break Neville or I, they didn't hide the messages we wrote."

"And all of it will mean nothing if Potter dies," my father told me, "All you will have done is alienate yourself from the winning side."

"If the winning side will be living in a world where the Dark Lord's beliefs are law, I don't want it," I growled, standing, "I know you're trying to protect me, but you need to understand my perspective. I don't want to live in a world where that is the reality. If I die trying to fight it, it'll be better than just living with it."

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