Chapter 79: The Battle of Hogwarts

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I stood back to back with Tobias, throwing spells quick and hard, knocking Death Eaters to the side, stunning, dodging killing curses, blocking more minor attempts. I dashed to the side, pulling Tobias with me as a curse narrowly missed him, before slashing my wand, knocking the Death Eater away.

"Come on!" I screamed, dragging his hand, this side was getting overwhelmed and we wouldn't hold.

We ran, dodging giants as they swung massive clubs, avoiding Acromantulas. Tobias and I broke hands at one point, a giant swinging his club right for my head, and when I looked up, he was gone.

I had no time to think, dodging the next swing, throwing curses as though they would help. I had to run, heading back into the castle, throwing Death Eaters against walls.

I tried not to think about the bodies that surrounded me. How many were dead, how many just stunned? A grey streak flew past me, I stumbled in shock, and I couldn't help but feel as though that hesitation was what cost Lavender her life.

"NO!" I yelled, cursing Greyback as he pulled his teeth from her neck, blood spurting out. He flew out the window, but it was too late for Lavender.

"Lyra, look out!" Neville's voice cut through, I dove to the ground without hesitation, a green flash flying over my head.

I nodded my thanks, scrambling to my feet and shooting a curse at the offender, sending him flying. I continued through the castle, students were running in fear, curses flying, parts of the castle collapsing. Where was Tobias?

Seamus, a killing curse headed for his head. I lunged at him, knocking him to the ground as the curse struck rock above us, breaking the wall, the fallen pieces crumbling around us. I shot a curse back as I stood, flying backwards myself as another curse hit me. I gasped in agony, blood pooled from my shoulder, and I grabbed for the wand I had dropped.

"That's my daughter! Avada Kedavra!" The man who was holding his wand at my face dropped dead in front of me, my father stood behind him, his eyes wide, "Come, quickly!"

I took his hand without hesitation, he led me through throngs of fighters, I noticed as he only cursed Death Eaters who stepped in his way. He brought me to a destroyed yet empty part of the castle, his eyes frantic.

"Your mother is searching for you and Draco too," he gasped, "We're taking you home, out of this mess."

"No, I'm staying," I shot back, "This is about more than just us, father. This is a fight for the future - we can't back down now!"

"You almost died," he hissed.

"And I'm sure there will be more close calls, but I won't abandon my friends," I told him sharply, "Thank you for saving me. Please, please don't get yourself hurt if you do stay. But if you leave, I'm not coming with you. Harry needs everyone he can get."

"Lyra," my father sighed, hugging me tightly, "You remind me of me too much. Too strong-willed to listen to my parents. I hope you know how... how honoured I am to have a daughter like you. You may not have grown up how I envisioned, but you became so much better than I could have dreamed for you. Pride doesn't begin to explain it."

"Stop talking like we won't see one another again," I warned him, "We will. Trust me."

"I do," he said quietly, as I ran back to the battle, "I do, Lyra."

I ran through the halls, aiming for the sounds of battle, when I was stopped dead in my tracks. A door opened, my brother along with Crabbe tumbled out and scrambled to their feet, legging it past me. I felt the rush of wind as they ran, turning in shock as to what they could be running from.

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