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In the middle of the forest, and as a consequence of the Weeping Monk fainting due to his injuries, Squirrel and he decide to rest near a huge lake after the long journey. As the monk cleaned his almost healed wounds in the crystal clear water, the boy's voice echoed in the silent place.

“Lancelot, you must try this!” Squirrel said in a forceful tone.

“They're blackberries...” he replied indifferently.

“I know they're blackberries and they're everywhere! Isn't it cool?”

His excited smile glowed like the morning sun and he invited the Weeping Monk to join him. 
They ate sitting next to each other on a large rock when the silence was broken by unexpected words that came from the monk's mouth.

“There is something wrong with me. I know ... I feel it inside me” he murmured looking at that delicacy he had in his hand.

With a blackberry in his right hand about to enter his mouth Squirrel looked at him strangely. The Weeping Monk's face turned downcast and considering his words the boy decided to intervene.

“I must say that at first I didn't like you and I don't know how you came to fight with the Red Paladins but I know you're not like them. You saved my life.”

“I killed a lot of people” he replied pausing slightly, “All those fires. Their screams still haunt me. I thought it was the sword of God but I was only the instrument of men. I thought I was doing the right thing and the most unpleasant thing about cruelty is that you get used to it” the anxious tone of his voice made the boy wince.

“You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending” Squirrel said quietly, “You don't know what your last battle or your last smile will be. We must fight every day protecting those we love. You will find your way.”

“I have no one to protect and may not have any way to go.”

“You could join us! Challenge the church!” he blurted out cheerfully, “the Feys need any help Lancelot.”

“Do you think the Blood of Wolves Witch will want to see me?” he answered wryly, “I'm sure she wants to drive her sword into my windpipe as soon as she sees me.”



“Her name is Nimue, not Blood of Wolves Witch! And yes, she probably wants to kill you but maybe you'll find your way too. Don't you think that risk is worth taking?” he replied with a lopsided smile.

Squirrel rose from the ground approaching the horse and on the way turned his head vigorously towards the Weeping Monk.

“We are born in the dawn...”

The monk looked up to meet the boy's eyes.

“...To pass in the twilight” he finished smiling.

At that moment a spark ignited the fire inside him that for the first time was not destructive, it only warmed his soul.

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