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As the sun went down, Caili's parents roamed the house back and forth making sure everything was in place before Darrell arrived for dinner.

“Come on Caili, put your hair up and go up to get dressed, it's almost time!” Briana raised her voice, “I left you the yellow dress with white trim on the bed.”

“I hate that dress, mother.”

“You hate all dresses, now go. When I finish placing the dishes I help you fix your hair.”

The girl obeys showing a grunt of disgust.
After a few minutes, Alexandre received at the door an elegant young man dressed in black and brown colors and some beautiful yellow daffodils that he held in his hand.

“Welcome Darrell!” Alexandre exclaimed shaking his hand.

“I have brought these flowers for your wife.”

Hearing the young man's voice, Briana hurried down the stairs to greet him.

“It is a detail Darrell and how elegant you are today.”

“I had to dress according to your beauty, ma'am and of course to Caili's beauty” he said smiling looking for the young woman, “By the way, where is it?”

“She come down right away, please sit down” Briana replied pointing to one of the chairs at the living room table.

“Well, it is nothing new that women need their time to get ready” Darrell added scoffing and laughing along with Alexandre.

Suddenly, the girl came clumsily down the stairs looking at her feet to try not to step on the long and voluminous dress. It was difficult but she managed to get down without tripping.

“You look beautiful Caili” Darrell fawned.

“Yes... thanks” the girl answered uncomfortably when her mother yelled from across the room.

“Caili made dinner tonight! She is not very skilled in the kitchen but she has done her best with a little help.”

“I'm sure everything will be delicious ma'am, but first I would like you to let me give my future wife a gift” he said taking a necklace out of his left pocket and placing it around her neck, “It is lapislázuli, a valuable stone from a southern kingdom far away from here.”

“It's very beautiful... and expensive” said the father without thinking as he swallowed hard when he saw that strange stone for the first time.

The accessory consisted of three small circular gems, one larger than the others, with a beautiful opaque blue color.

“It reminded me of the color of your eyes Caili” Darrell continued, “I know that it does not measure up to your beauty, but I hope you like it.”

“Yes, of course” she replied vaguely when, suddenly, her mother sneakily pinched her arm and continued, “I mean, thanks... it's a very nice gesture of you.”

Briana smiled satisfied and relieved by her daughter's response.

“Well, if you agree, let's thank you for these foods and let's start eating” said the father.

Plates full of beef stew filled the long rectangular table, leaving ample space between each diner. After praying, they began to eat and soon the conversation continued.

“Darrell, I'd like us to talk about the wedding date” Alexandre said abruptly, “I think the sooner the better.”

Caili's muscles tensed as if she was listening to a business talk between her father and her fiancé with her being the product to sell.

“I agree, sir” Darrell replied, “there's no need to wait, as long as Caili agrees.”

Three pairs of expectant eyes rested on her. The girl ran her gaze from her mother's indecipherable expression to her father's nervous and anxious face who silently prayed for her to behave properly. She did not want to marry this man but didn't see that she had a choice to refuse. She did not want to disappoint her parents and the social pressure and debts they had were not helping.

“No... no problem” Caili replied in a dejected tone.

Big smiles were drawn on the faces of her father and her fiancé as they toasted the engagement, although strangely her mother was not smiling next to them. The evening passed quietly and without problems. Briana, who was lost in thought throughout dinner, stared at her plate twirling her food with the spoon without taking a bite while Caili watched her curiously.

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