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The Pendragon soldiers who survived in the battle, took Uther's lifeless body with his golden crown as Cumber decided to give it to him because, although it now belonged to him and he liked gold, he did not believe that a Christian crown represented him.
With the fog almost lifted and giving way to a sunny sky, the Vikings happily celebrated the victory and the rise of the new king with large barrels of beer.
Arthur was watching those gleeful faces with grins from ear to ear as Pym came to stand beside him.

“I finally finished!” she said, rolling her eyes, “They should be more careful when fighting and not be so wild. I've had to sew, amputate limbs and even joined fingers... I'm not going to be able to sleep today” she complained exhausted and looked at Arthur, “Don't you celebrate with them?”

“No. I'm fine. And you?”

“I think I'll drink a whole barrel. I need it!” she stated flatly, “And Guinevere? You were with her all night, right?”

“She hasn't woke up yet. I hope she recovers.”

“Of course she will! I have been the one who has healed her, remember?” she said proudly putting her hands on her hips causing a slight laugh in him.

With so many wars lately, strange seemed off tension and danger over.
From a makeshift tent in the woods, Red Spear came out with a bandaged gut, heading awkwardly toward Arthur and Pym.

“Guinevere!” Arthur exclaimed when he saw her coming, “Guinevere is early for you to get up.”

“I'm better, I've had enough sleep.”

In the distance, a hoarse voice stood out pushing its way through the Vikings.

“Here it is! The great Viking warrior, my daughter!” Cumber raised his voice as he headed towards Red Spear causing the others to observe them, “It seems the gods still want you here. Drink with me!” he said handing her the mug of beer in her hand.

“Still here, Cumber? I'm surprised you haven't gone to Pendragon yet. Now you are the king of these lands, you should go there and claim the throne before another Christian seizes it” Red Spear said sarcastically.

“I was actually expecting you” he replied unexpectedly, “I'll claim the throne, but I didn't want to do it if you weren't present” he continued as his tone of voice changed softening, “Gold and glory await us and you deserve more than anyone to come with me, by my side.”

“By your side? What do you mean?” she asked intrigued.

The king approached her looking into her eyes and grasped her thin hand in which she did not hold the jug. Arthur, Pym, and the Vikings approached expectantly around them as Eydis watched cautiously from afar.

“We are alike, Guinevere” the king continued, “Your mother left us too soon and I know I have never been the best father to Eydis and you, but the same blood runs through our veins, we are both ambitious and strong. With your army and mine, no one will dare to destroy us.”


“These lands will be Vikings” he added before she could continue speaking, “A king needs at his side whoever will succeed him in the future. Someone brave, beautiful and respected by all, a true leader. And today in the battle I have realized that I want it to be you, Guinevere. One day you will occupy my throne.”

The young woman amazed at the sudden proposal, since by right the throne would belong to her older sister, she nodded proudly at her father's wish and then shot a furtive and worried glance at Eydis that did not hide her anger and displeasure at seeing that her father had offered the throne to her.

Morgana, who had been resting, was awakened by the bustle and stood next to her brother as she tugged on his sleeve.

“Arthur, have you already told Guinevere?”

“Morgana, I don't think this is the time.”

“Tell me what?” Red Spear asked with intrigue appearing beside them, surprising them.

Arthur happily congratulated the Viking on her appointment as future sovereign before expressing his decision to her.

“Guinevere, now that we've won the war, the ships sailed, and the Feys are safe. Morgana, Pym, and I have thought about going to find Nimue. The Red Paladins are after her, maybe she needs us.”

Red Spear's face turned in disappointment waiting for other completely different words from his mouth. An answer that she longed to know from the battlefield but did not come.
As absurd as it may seem, time stopped at that moment for her, thinking that it would be the last time she would see that person.

“You can stay if you want” Red Spear insisted to both of them, “We will celebrate the victory in Pendragon, there will be a great banquet, music and good beer. You deserve the honor and glory of victory! Let the Vikings see you next to King Cumber” she added turning her gaze to Arthur and continuing, “You were brave in battle, you deserve it.”

Arthur was silent and Pym hid a laugh observing the painful desperate attempt of the Viking trying to address everyone when in truth her words were for him. She was better at fighting than expressing her feelings openly, unless she was about to die. Red Spear knew she couldn't stop him by not hearing an answer from him and she didn't try any more.

“Okay, I get it, you must go away” she said sadly after a brief silence forcing a smile.

“Does that mean I can go too?” Pym asked enthusiastically.

Red Spear grabbed the young woman's slim arms and gave her a smile.

“In the end you weren't so useless... I'll miss you” the Viking declared receiving a strong hug from Pym who wouldn't stop crying.

After the emotional farewell, Red Spear looked at Morgana who was lost and dejected.

“I didn't believe you until I could see you in battle” said the Viking, “It was a pleasure to see the great Hela, thank you.”

“I don't know what or who Hela is, but please don't thank me” the widow replied with an awkward smile.

Arthur got close enough to the young Viking so that the others would not hear them talking, causing suspicious glances from Morgana and Pym.

“Guinevere, about that confession on the battlefield... I can't answer you yet” he said as Red Spear lowered her head sadly, avoiding looking into his eyes, “I don't want you to think that I don't take your words seriously, but first there is something I have to do. I want you to know that I will come back and answer you appropriately, I promise you.”

A glimmer of hope was reflected on her face when she heard those last sentences trying to find out his feelings.

“Okay” the young woman answered as she took something off her wrist and showed it to Arthur, “This bracelet is a symbol of prestige and success in battles and expeditions, it is something very important for us, for the Vikings” she added pausing before continuing, “I want you to have it and give it back to me when we meet again. I will be waiting for you, so you better not delay if you don't want to taste the wrath of the gods.”

Arthur accepted the bracelet and carefully placed it on his wrist as he went with Morgana to collect the few things they had before leaving. Red Spear watched the young man prepare to leave and Pym slowly approached her with curiosity and amusement.

“Well... what was that all about? What were you two talking about?” she asked mischievously.

“It's none of your business” she answered nervously as she returned to the tent.

Seeing Red Spear nervous and embarrassed was something new to Pym and that made she could not help laughing. The atmosphere calmed down and the Vikings also began to store their belongings in large sacks to go to Pendragon. Instead, Eydis was sitting on the hard ground staring at her little sister in the distance. Although they never got along, Red Spear's decision to occupy the throne filled her with envy and, in the not too distant future, would bring serious consequences.

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