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That field full of daisies was the most beautiful thing Morgana and Merlin's eyes had seen. No human or Fey had ever set foot in that place for long.

“Tell me again what happened” Morgana said.

“What you heard, Nimue wasn't there, she managed to escape” he replied with a smile.

“Did you know she wasn't there? Is that why you gave me the Sword of Power before going to see the King of Lepers?”

“Well... technically I didn't know she had escaped but I wasn't going to hand over the sword to a cruel and unsanitary man like him” he laughed openly and continued, “I was hoping to use my charms for a chance to get Nimue out without having to give it to him. If Rugen got the sword, I don't know what he would be able to do.”

The wizard stopped and looked at Morgana before continuing.

“We have something important to do. To practice.”

“To practice? Merlin, I thought we would go find Nimue.”

“Perhaps in the future we will need your Widow powers and you have to know how to use them.”

“You definitely trusted me too much by throwing yourself off the cliff. Seriously, what were you thinking?” she replied.

“I know what a Widow is capable of and I knew you could do it” he said with a smile.

The breeze was soft and perfumed in that beautiful field. In the midst of that peace a thought arose in Morgana's mind that made her bow her head feeling guilty and wondering what to say.

“Did you know the previous Widow?” she asked bluntly.

“More or less. She was someone lonely, I don't think she had anyone to call a friend but she helped me on more than one occasion.” Merlin paused before continuing, “I guess I want to think that she considered me a friend.”

“I'm sorry.”

“You do not have to apologize. I will teach you some things but you will have to trust me if you want to learn.”

Morgana nodded at his words.

“The Widow's magic is so powerful that it escapes my knowledge, but I already met one once, so I think I could help you.”

Merlin stood behind her and with a small voice began to speak close to her ear but again that now clearer whisper prevented her from concentrating on the wizard's words.

“Don't trust him, he doesn't want us to be strong, he doesn't want us to be better than him” said that deep voice that before she could not understand but that she now heard clearly.

“Morgana? Morgana!” Merlin called making the whisper fade and wake the widow from that trance, “You're good?”

“Yes, what were you saying?” she shook her head.

“I was telling you that the previous widow had a trusty black shadow steed. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and relax your body. Think of that black horse, its sturdy legs, its long mane blowing in the wind, its deep gaze...”

The young woman, concentrated and self-confident, followed his instructions step by step, thinking that if she could understand how to better use her powers she could help her friends.

“Now in your mind... Call him!” Merlin exclaimed in her ear.

After a few seconds Morgana opened her eyes and turned to the wizard in disgust.

“Merlin this doesn't work.”

“Are you sure?” he replied looking up.

The sturdy black steed appeared behind her causing a big smile on Morgana's face.

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