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Riding a white horse, Iris watched in the forest as the Trinity left Pendragon after the confusion.
Two horsemen who came from the city, rode at a fast pace towards her.

“Why are they retiring? Do you have her?” Iris asked.

“The witch has disappeared. We have searched the entire city but there is no sign of her.”

With a serious expression, Sister Iris walked on the back of the animal, placing herself next to those men. Raising her right arm, she pulled one of the riders by the ear.

“What has escaped you? How could she escape you?! You had her in the palm of your hands! You are useless!” she screamed furiously letting go of the ear that had changed color.

“At least the king warned that the witch was in Pendragon but you... What have you done?!” she expressed in anger, “I'll have to find her myself.”

The men did not dare look her in the eye in shame at their failure. Iris gripped the horse's ropes tightly and galloped into the forest.

Meanwhile, seated on his throne in the Great Hall, Uther was blaming the Trinity for failing to capture her and that, therefore, his trap had not worked. His lackeys listened in silence to his eternal monologue.

“They say they are very strong, but at the moment of truth the Church is not capable of capturing a woman” the king commented arrogantly, “I gave them the opportunity and they squandered. At least they won't bother me again.”

“For a while...” one of the lackeys said accidentally.

“What have you said?” asked Uther annoyed.

“I'm sorry, your Majesty, I was just saying that you won't bother us again for a while” he clarified nervously bowing his head at the sharp gaze of the king.

“What else do they want?! I have stood on their side, on the side of the Church.”

“But they haven't got what they wanted so they will return to Pendragon... Meanwhile, your Majesty, that Ice King continues to raze your villages and the army is ready to fight it.”

“Stop, don't overwhelm me!” he grumbled as he bit his nails on his throne, “problems one by one. If we have a truce with the Church, even momentary, we must take advantage of it. I myself will command my army and drive the Viking invaders from my lands.”

“Perhaps it is a bit hasty that you are the one to go, I think--”

“Do it!” he yelled interrupting the lackey making the ground vibrate.

“"I will prepare everything, your Majesty” he said bowing his head and retreating to the door.

Both Sister Iris and Uther Pendragon wished for this disastrous gray day to come to an end. That day they both assumed leadership, making that decision determine their final result.

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