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The sea was calm, there were hardly any waves and the vikings rested on the ships after the battle. The Ice King remained in the hills near the harbor while Red Spear, Arthur and Morgana were on the deck alongside Pym, who was stitching up the wound of one of Cumber's men, when a grave voice broke in outside the ship.

“Looks like you had fun!”

That ironic comment made the four turn towards the port and they saw two well-known people who were observing the viking bodies lying on the ground.

“Morgana?!” shouted Arthur when he was reunited with his sister who was getting on the ship with speed relieved to see him again, “How did you find us?”

“Ships can be seen miles from here, you have to be careful” Morgana chided.

The young man gave a slight smile and realized the belt the wizard was wearing.

“Merlin, why do you have the Sword of Power?”

“Well, we've had some problems... but don't worry.”

Enjoying the meeting, Pym recalled with great euphoria an unexpected news she had heard while healing the vikings from the Ice King.

“I almost forgot, there's something you need to know” the girl began, “King Cumber's vikings say that the Blood of Wolves Witch is in Pendragon.”

“What?! Nimue?” Merlin questioned, ready to go after his daughter.

Arthur, on the other hand, remained thoughtful and immobile before speaking.

“I'll stay...” he said, “I'll make sure the Feys are safe before they set sail for Avalon. The Trinity could find them, plus I promised to help Guinevere because she saved us on that beach and I know that Nimue will be fine with you Merlin.”

“Promises haunt us” replied the wizard without the others understanding, “Morgana, stay with your brother.”

“You'll be fine alone Merlin?” the widow asked with concern.

“Of course, my magic has returned.”

The widow hesitates for a second but nods at the wizard's request and she gives him a smile before saying a few last words.

“We will go with you when the ships leave. Be careful, Merlin.”

Following the dawn of the sun, the wizard headed towards Pendragon while Arthur, Morgana, Red Spear and Pym stayed in the port with the fleet.

Later, the widow was anxious wanting to tell her brother everything that had happened, but did not know how to express it properly and was afraid of how he might react.

“Arthur... I have to tell you something.”

“What happen?”

“I'm not the same person you knew.”

The young man approached his sister with a serious expression grabbing her shoulders.

“What do you mean Morgana? You are scaring me.”

“I've become the widow” she said abruptly after a pause.

That phrase that fled desperately from her mouth surprised everyone causing a deathly silence and made the environment become strange. Morgana sought comfort and support in her brother's eyes because even if she did not admit it, she was terrified to know who she had become and especially to think that she would no longer be able to recognize herself.
The unexpected revelation caused Pym look puzzled at the new widow and accidentally stab almost half the needle into the man whose wound she was sewing causing him to stand up abruptly and walk away grunting.

“I have heard of a being of great power who takes souls” Red Spear broke the silence, “but I honestly don't believe it. It sounds like something only gods could do, and if it were true, I'd definitely like to see it” she said in disbelief with a mocking tone.

Stunned Arthur couldn't accept what his ears heard. Being The Widow meant wandering the shadows in solitude for all eternity in search of dying people.

“Are you kidding Morgana?! How could it happen?” her brother asked, upset and scared.

“I killed her. I don't know why but I did.”

Morgana was saddened, it was not the reaction she wanted to see in her brother and her fear in herself grew.
The sound of a applause in the air undid the tense and strange atmosphere.

“Well, leaving those legends aside, there is something pressing right now” said Red Spear changing the subject while Arthur worried still watched his sister, “My men say that the locals who live here speak that King Uther Pendragon is preparing his army so we must also prepare for battle, the false king will soon be dethroned.”

“Another battle?!” Pym complained aloud as if it were a little girl.

“Is there a problem?” said the young viking throwing a penetrating look at her as she crossed her arms, “Life is like a journey by sea Pym, there are days of calm and days of storms.”

While everyone talked among themselves, the widow could only hear the sinister voice whispering in her mind.

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