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In a large house in Castle Combe, Caili was speeding down the wooden stairs after leaving his room.

“Where are you going like this dressed?!” a female authoritative voice rang out, “we have not raised you so that you dress as a beggar Caili. You have beautiful dresses and I want you to wear the ruffled blue today.”

“But mom, we're not going to church today.”

“We will have an important visit and a woman has to dress elegant and according to her social class. Come on, hurry up, I'll wait for you downstairs.”

Caili rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs in resignation wondering who the hell was coming home.
After several hours Alexandre, Caili's father, entered the house with a tall young man a little older than her with brown hair, a mustache and elegant clothes.

“I'm back my dear and I'm bringing Darrell” Alexandre announced giving her wife a smile.

“Thank you for inviting me to your house ma'am, your husband has told me a lot about you on the way.”

“Delighted, call me Briana. I hope my husband didn't just talk about me” she said casting a glance at Alexandre.

“Of course not dear. Darrell come, I want to introduce you to my daughter Caili.”

“It's a pleasure sir” said the girl to that stranger.

“The pleasure is mine” he replied inclining his head slightly without taking his eyes off her.

The young woman hated all those false formalities but she always appeared to be a lady because of her parents. After meeting they sat in the living room side by side while Alexandre helped Briana make tea.

“Your father told me that you like to read.”

“That's right.”

“And what do you read? Romantic novels?”

“No, I usually read adventure or history.”

“I get it... it is attractive, no doubt” said the young man with disinterest.

The father burst into the living room, leaving a tray of tea on the table.

“You look good together” Alexandre said purposely.

“What do you mean father?”

“Alexandre wait!” Briana whispered trying to stop him from talking.

“Darrel has come to meet you” he continued ignoring her wife's warning, “he is interested in marrying you, we will have a great wedding and you will go to live in a great city where you will form a great family.”

His father's voice sounded more and more distant as Caili couldn't believe what was happening. Suddenly she got up from the chair abruptly and raised her voice.

“No! I refuse!”

“Caili?!” her mother said holding her breath.

“I don't want to marry and even less to someone I don't know!”

Faced with this scandal, the young man got up in a bad mood, heading for the door.

“You should explain her position to her, for her sake” Darrell concluded before leaving.

The door closed and Alexandre and Briana turned to their daughter. His father's face turned red.

“What have you done! How dare you embarrass us like this!”

“Alexandre, calm down” Briana intervened trying to contain his husband's anger.

“Caili, don't you know who it is?!” he continued, “That commitment will help pay off our debts.”

“But father I don't want to get married. I want to travel, find my own way.”

“You already have a path, a duty, a purpose in this life and you will fulfill it! You are of the age to marry a good man and when you do you can negotiate with your husband what the hell you want to do!”

“Father, I can't do what you ask of me.”

At those words a dry sound rumbled in the room causing Caili to put her hand to her red cheek.

“I'm sorry, you haven't left me a choice.”

The mother was petrified at that scene and the girl ran to its room trying to hold back her urge to cry.

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