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The gentle breeze caressed the leaves of the tall redwoods that danced with natural grace while Nimue's wavy hair made waves like an endless sea.
Nimue was heading towards Graymalkin Castle in hopes of meeting Merlin and Morgana after slipping from the clutches of Rugen, the Leper King.
She avoided the dirt roads so as not to meet the Trinity or the Red Paladins who wanted her head more than ever after they had killed Father Carden. She knew that if she was ambushed she would be an easy target without the Sword of Power.
Absorbed in her thoughts, a distant bustle in a clearing in the forest caught the attention of Nimue who cautiously approached to observe. Chariots with rare objects and conspicuously dressed people laughed and made dizzying movements with their bodies and with various objects.
An old man decided to approach her, noticing her curious eyes that were looking through the trees.

“Do you want to try?” the old man asked with a friendly smile as he pointed to some worn leather balls to juggle.

“No, no, I was just passing this way.” she answered hesitantly.

“Can you do acrobatics or juggle? Guys!” he shouted hoarsely calling out to the others.

“No. I better go, really” Nimue said trying to escape.

The crowd approached interested. There were men, women, children and even a dog. They all gave off a friendly and vigorous energy. They seemed like a big family.

“We know each other?” a woman asked softly.

“I don't think so, ma'am.”

The pensive old man looked at the girl's body from bottom to top as he examined her.

“I know who you are...” said the old man in a mysterious tone.

Nimue is startled at hearing those words expecting the worst. Waiting to be handed over to the Trinity.

“You are the Blood of Wolves Witch!” he went on with great admiration, “Do not worry. We are also Fey.”

One of the acrobats showed green scales on his arm covered by a red cloth.
Nimue sighed in relief. She thought they were human but was glad to know that they were of the same race.

“The church does not stop killing every Ineffable man, woman or child. They burn and crucify them” the woman murmured sadly.

“We heard that ships with Fey people managed to set sail looking for a new life” added the old man.

The young woman relaxed when she heard the good news. She hadn't heard from them for days.

“Why are you still here? Why haven't you gone far to another place?” Nimue asked curiously.

“We were all born in these lands. Many of us were not wanted or loved by our family and they only saw us as a burden. We hide our race and in return we do what makes us happy, travel. We go from town to town to bring smiles to people. The children eagerly await our arrival” the old man said with a smile from ear to ear, “That's right, we are a traveling circus and even if we are rejected by the church, we will not give up on making those children smile. This is our life.”

The determination of those people was overwhelming and admirable.

“You don't seem like you've had a good day and ... is that blood?” the woman asked with concern.

“You're right, it hasn't been a good day” she replied with a forced smile.

“Come, eat something and let's check those wounds. Today will be cold, you can stay with us and rest tonight if you want. We have blankets to spare” the woman said gently grasping Nimue's hand.

“It would be good for me.”

At dawn Nimue said goodbye to the kind people of the circus, thanking them and resumed her way to Graymalkin without waiting for what she would found there.

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