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Throwing him carelessly onto the hard floor of the cave, the king was arrogantly watching the wizard Merlin. The lepers transported him leaving Morgana behind.

“This is becoming a Rugen custom.”

“Your Majesty!” Kalek corrected him.

“Of course...” Merlin said bowing his head slightly.

The lepers who had brought the wizard disappeared like wandering ghosts.

“Where is?”

“Straight to the point? First Nimue, then the sword” Merlin demanded.

The atmosphere was tense and difficult to breathe.

“Your Majesty...” one of the lepers burst into the room in a hesitant voice.

“We are in a meeting. Don't interrupt!”

“Majesty, is important.”

“What!” Rugen yelled making the ground shake.

“She's not here. The Blood of Wolves Witch has disappeared.”

Merlin made a mocking face that he tried to hide while the enraged king realized that her advantage had fled.

“You idiots! How has it escaped you?” he interpelled with bloodshot eyes.

His servants tried to appease his anger but the King of the Lepers threw his beloved treasures towards them. The wizard took a deep breath and showed the angry king a smile.

“Rugen, there's no use having a bird in a golden cage when what she wants is to fly.”

“Leave the metaphors Merlin. It doesn't matter, nothing changes, the girl is safe and sound as I promised. It is time for you to fulfill your promise and hand me the Sword of the First Kings” the king rasped, “And the sword?”

“The sword has already chosen its wielder and, as promised, I will give the sword to the sovereign, and that is what I'll do.”

The wizard pauses while King Rugen grins wickedly waiting for him to hand it over to him.

“I will return it to her queen, to Nimue” Merlin announced.

“That was not what we agreed!” Kalek chimed in grumpily.

“I am responsible for what I say, not what you understand, Kalek” smiled the wizard turning quickly towards the exit.

Dozens of lepers were chasing him along the way. Merlin couldn't help feeling a deja vu hoping that the same thing that worked at the time would work for him now.

Come on Morgana, where are you?” he thought.

On the outskirts of the place, Merlin stopped in front of a cliff whose bottom was not visible but he was sure it was more than 100 meters deep. There was no escape.
The wizard's eyes flashed and lightning bolts shot out of the palm of his hand charring the mob, but more and more appeared and pounced on the wizard.

Merlin took a breath and jumped into the abyss avoiding being caught. As he fell into the void, a black cloud appeared in the air near him like a thick shadow that cast a swirl of cold air that transported him to a sunny place with beautiful daisies.

“For little. I thought you wouldn't show up Morgana.”

“I wonder why you and Nimue leave me in charge of the sword” she said her hands on her hips, “Merlin, this has been very risky, I already told you that I am not in control of this yet” Morgana added with heavy breathing.

“Then we'll have to fix it.”

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