chapter 45

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It was just like any other summer day in the book shop, wake up, open the store, and so on and so forth. That is until a parrot flew into the window nearest to me.

A couple of the customers jumped in surprise, while others sent confused looks towards the now dazed-looking bird hovering outside the shop. I walked over to the window and unlatched it, and the bird flew right in, landing on the front desk. When I reached the bird I noticed a slip of parchment, I felt a burst of excitement, there I only knew one person crazy enough to send a letter with a parrot.

Dear Maude,

I'm sorry it's taken so long to write, I just knew it would be better if I was long gone before I contacted anyone. I know you are probably wondering where I am, but I have decided not to tell you simply in case this letter is intercepted. Though I'm sure you have somewhat of an idea of where I am considering the bird that brought you this letter. I promise I am safe.

Anyways I hope all is well with you.

Over the past few months, Buckbeak and I have become great friends and when we buy a house together you may just have to move in with us.

I wrote to Harry, but I'm not sure he would tell me if anything is wrong, I'm sure you already are but please keep an eye on him.

Please write back quickly, you'd be surprised by how fast one could get bored on a tropical island with a hippogriff. The bird knows where to find me.


The minute I finished reading the letter I reached for the first piece of parchment I could find and started writing.


It feels odd calling you that, even in writing, like that name was only for the Marauders to use.

Everything is well here, and from what I know Harry is doing good as well. I have written a letter or two to Harry but as usual, it is hard to get around the Durselys. Just the other night I had dinner with Arthur and Molly, they announced that they got tickets to this year's quidditch world cup and even had one for Harry! I'm sure Harry will be thrilled, and to be frank, I'm quite jealous of him, I might just have to get myself a ticket.

I know that things can't be easy for you. Are you okay? It's probably not easy for you to talk about Azkaban, but we never really had the chance to, and it might be easier to put into writing.

I miss you. I love you


I sent the letter off and got a response by the end of the week, this time the response was sent with an owl as normal.


The quidditch world cup sounds like an amazing idea, I say go ahead and buy yourself a ticket. I just received a letter from Harry and most of which was indecipherable, but I got something about 'quidditch' and 'the Weasleys', I think he was simply too excited to hold a pen.

To answer your question about being okay, I'm not completely sure. And your right it's not easy to talk about, let alone think about. But I'll try, who knows maybe it will be therapeutic. I've been moving around a lot, I tell myself it's for safety, but truly I'm running from the memories. If I stay in place for too long they catch up to me. I think I'll be okay eventually.

I miss (and love) you more.


P.S. One time when Remus, James, and I were very drunk we deemed you Lily and Marlene honorary Marauders. We never got around to telling you, so calling me Padfoot is completely acceptable.

Dear Padfoot,

Honorary Marauder huh? I think McGonagall would never ever speak to me again if she knew that. Thankfully you guys forgot to tell anyone.

Just yesterday I bought a ticket to the world cup, and I even managed to get ones near where Harry will be sitting. Though the Weaselsy's managed to get seats in the Ministers box so I won't be near enough to speak to them. Arthur offered to let me stay at their campsite for the weekend though, so I'll get to be with Harry.

I've noticed a pattern in our letters, happy stuff first and then on to the sad stuff. So here goes my sad stuff.

I would say sorry, but recently those two words have seemed pointless to me. Sorry is for when you bump into someone in a store, not for death or anything major. Just know that it might not be okay right now, but it will be eventually, just like you said.

I truly think there is no way that you could miss me more than I miss you.


Dear Maude,

You're right, McGonagall would be horrified if any other Marauders popped up. Thankfully its seems that Harry is at least a little better behaved than his father and I were.

That's amazing about the world cup. I'm sure by the time you've received this you'll be on your way, tell me all about it.

I'm sorry this letter is short, but there's truly nothing interesting going on in my life except lounging around with Buckbeak.


Dear Padfoot,

The game just ended. Ireland won. I'm sitting in a tent with Hermione and Ginny who are both convinced I'm writing some sort of secret love letter. Which I guess in a way I am. The boys are staying in the next tent over and I can still hear them hollering about the game, in fact, the whole campsite is hollering about the game. It was quite eventful. Remember how I said Ireland won? Well, Bulgaria caught the snitch.

Wait there's something happe

The Death Eaters are back. Everyone we were with is fine, but multiple Muggles were killed. I don't know what this means.

The ending of the letter seemed too ominous to even put my name on so I sent it away as it was.

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