Stags, Bunnies, Lies, Oh My!

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Nova was ready to scream. 

Hermione and Ron had gotten into another fight about their pets. Another one! 

"Siriusly!" Nova whined to Harry as they walked to Transfiguration (the duo left Ron and Hermione to their bickering). "It's absolutely riddikulus! They-"

"Did you just make a pun?" Harry asked, amusement shining in his green eyes. 

"Yes, I did. This isn't a joking matter! They're driving me insane!" Nova ranted. Harry had cut her off again. 

"I think you mean this is a Sirius matter," Harry corrected with a joking tone. Nova narrowed her eyes. 

"What's gotten into you?" Nova asked, with her honey eyes still narrowed. 

"You haven't been making as many jokes lately. You haven't laughed as much lately either," Harry noted. "Thought I would try to make you laugh, or at least get you to smile."

"You're such a dork!" Nova smiled. "Besides, if you were to use the 'it's a Sirius matter' it must have something to do with my sperm donor, Prongs."

"Right..." Harry trailed off, studying her expression. She seemed happier. "Wait! Prongs? Where the bloody hell did you get that?"

"Now, now, Harold, don't steal Ron's line," Nova fake scolded. 

"Perhaps it's the only thing that has anything worth Weaslebee has." Draco drawled, coming up from behind Nova and Harry. Harry rolled his eyes, and Nova glared at the arm Draco slung over her shoulder. 

"Where's your posse, Draco?" Nova asked, hiding her anger. 

"Somewhere. I thought I would come to bug my dear cousin," Malfoy answered. 

"Interesting tactic. Insult one of my best friends. Then put your filthy arm around my amazing shoulder," Nova said bluntly. 

Harry was confused. 

Normally, Nova and Malfoy would have hexed each other already. 

"I will never be filth. You, however, are. Especially with who you associate yourself with; mudbloods, blood-traitor Weasleys, and-" Whatever Draco was going to say, it was unknown to all but him. 

Nova had socked him in the face. 

Malfoy, who still had an "injured" arm, cried out in pain, clutching his face. 

Goyal, one of Malfoy's goons, came out from behind the corner and fired a hex at an unsuspecting Harry. Nova blindly fired a hex. 

Goyal would have duck feet for the next week. 

"As I was saying, I don't really know where I got Prongs to be honest," Nova said, without turning to Harry. Of course, it was a lie. She had the Marauders Map. "On the contrary, when I think of the name Prongs, I think of a d-"

She turned to Harry. 

What she saw, caused her to laugh. 

Where Harry was supposed to be, stood a baby deer. Well, at least what she assumed was a baby deer. Its head was stuck in a nearby recycling bin (A/N just pretend they recycle at Hogwarts).

The young fawn continuously reared back. Nova wished she could take a picture, but she had no camera. 

When its head was finally freed from the recycling bin, it flew across the corridor. 

Its larger emerald green eyes were crossed as it swayed. 

Nova stifled her laughter as the baby deer she assumed was her best friend fell to the floor from the weight of its antlers. Plastic water bottles were stuck on his antlers like ornaments on a Christmas tree. 

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