Ch. 2

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Gaius was kind enough to give the only room to Merlin, but since (Y/n) is a woman he's going have to figure something out. (Y/n) was looking at an open book when Merlin came back to the main room, Gaius knocked over a stack of books on purpose to catch the young boy off guard. Merlin's eyes turned a golden hue again and the books stopped and froze in mid air.

"I knew it" Gaius said as he looked at the frozen books.

Merlin looked away, causing the books to resume and fall to the ground with a thud, startling (Y/n) with the loud noise.

"You do have magic, this is going to be much troublesome if Uther finds out" the old man said as he moved his attention to Merlin.

The boy groaned as he rubbed his neck, "he won't find out, I promised he wouldn't" Merlin told him as (Y/n) moved from the opened book and picked up the fallen books off the ground, putting them back on the stool.

"Gaius he's been doing a good job so far, don't worry the boy so much" (Y/n) said to him as she placed the last book on the stack.

Gaius turned to look at the (h/c) girl, "he should worry! If Uther finds out than he's a goner, I'm sure you don't want him to be beheaded or burned in front of you" Gaius said to her as he gestured to him.

"No..." (Y/n) swallowed thickly as she tried not to think of those images of her new friend, 'man, Gaius really something else when he's not following a script' she thought as she watched the old man sigh.

He walked over and grabbed a basket, "in the meantime as I figure what to do with both of you, you two can go to the market and grab some things for me" he commented as he handed the basket to (Y/n).

'Why does this feel a little sexist that he gave it to me?' The girl thought to herself as she grabbed the handle.

He than handed Merlin a piece of paper, "this will allow you to get to know the area, important if you're going to be staying here" he mentioned with a small smile.

Merlin nodded, "alright, doesn't seem so bad"

'Says the guy who's about to meet his boyfriend' (Y/n) thoughts as she tried her best not to fangirl in front of the two.

~To The Castle Gates~

(Y/n) swung the basket in her arms as Merlin looked at the list.

"We get to Camelot and we're already doing errands" Merlin complained as he stuffed the list into his pockets.

(Y/n) shrugged, "like Gaius said, we'll be able to get around town and maybe have some fun with it" she gave his arm a nudge as she tried to liven bis mood.

The boy rolled his eyes before giving her arm a nudge as well, "only you could find fun in walking around"

"Oh shut up" she stuck her tongue out at him before the two laughed, 'this feels good'

As Merlin calmed from his laughing, he looked to the front to see a blond bullying someone. "Hey!" He called out to the blond as he made his way over there.

"Oh brother" (Y/n) sighed as she quickly followed him.

"He doesn't deserve to be yelled at" Merlin told the blond as he stood in front of the "victim".

The blond scoffed as he looked at him, "and who are you to tell me that?" He asked with some smug.

"My name is Merlin, and he doesn't deserve to be yelled at by someone like you" he insulted as he stood his ground.

(Y/n) quickly made herself know as she stood in front of Merlin, "I'm sorry mister but he just arrived to Camelot and should know not to pick fights with strangers" she said to the blond as she gave Merlin a side eye.

"Someone like me? Now I know you don't realize who you're talking too" the blonde said to Merlin as he chuckled lightly, ignoring the girl completely.

Merlin rose an eyebrow, "let me guess, you're a prat?" He asked with some humor, (Y/n) had to stop herself from laughing or else she'll be in the trouble as well.

The blond's smile was gone as he looked Merlin straight in the eyes, "Arthur Pendragon, sole heir to the Camelot throne" Arthur introduced himself to the duo.

"Oh" Merlin muttered as Arthur waved his arms, signaling two guards to come over.

He gestured to the browned hair boy, "take him the dungeon, maybe he'll learn his lesson after a few days in there" Arthur said to the guards as a smirk appeared on his face.

(Y/n) watched as the guards took her friend back to the castle and to the dungeon. She turned to Arthur, "forgive him my lord but he was just being an idiot, he doesn't understand know how to talk to royalty" she apologized on Merlin's behalf.

Arthur looked at her, his eyes look her up and down before going back to her eyes, "Must be a strange fellow if he's walking with a girl like you" he commented, causing said girl to feel an irk.

(Y/n) crossed her arms as her posture changed, "what do you mean a girl like me?" She asked as she tried to control her anger.

He gestured to her clothes, "for starters you wear pants instead of a dress and you didn't even bow when you knew I was the prince" he pointed out to her.

(Y/n) took a deep breath in before releasing a sigh. She uncrossed her arms and looked Arthur in the eyes, "before I do anything I regret, I'm going to show myself to the market and buy Gaius' things" she told him before turning away and continue her journey to the market.

'What did I expect!? Men in this time period think their above women and think they can talk to them like that!! Ooo if he wasn't cute and royalty I would've bopped his head so hard!' (Y/n) thought as she stomped to the market, earning an weird look from the prince as he watched her walk away.

"Gaius? I didn't know he hired an apprentice" Arthur commented as he turned to his servant, who was watching the whole thing with a confused expression, "what do you think you're doing? Go get my sword!" He yelled at him, causing the servant to scramble up and run to the armory.

~Lil Time Skip~

When the day had came to an end, (Y/n) returned to Gaius and gave him the items he needed, as well as telling him that Merlin was in the dungeons for insulting the prince. The older gentleman was kind enough to let the girl sleep in Merlin's bed for the night since he was still looking for a place the girl somewhere.

After taking the corset off somehow, (Y/n) changed and laid down on the bed. The mattress wasn't as comfortable as she was used too back home, but it's probably good for this era. She fell asleep after sometime, ignoring the light the moon was giving her through the window.


A voice called out to the boy, it's voice low and slightly deep as if it came from a man.

"Merlin" the voice continued to say name, each being louder than the next, causing the girl to wake up from her slumber.

"W-what?" She asked a bit sluggish as she moved to see what was causing the noise.


She sat up as she realized what was happening, "wait, Kilgharrah is already calling for a Merlin?" She asked out loud as the voice continued to call for them.


"Wait, how am I able to hear him?" she asked herself as she tried to ignore the voice.

She laid back down and put the pillow over her head, 'I'll just try to sleep tonight' she thought to herself as she closes her eyes.


She groaned loudly as the voice just continued to be loud and disturb her.

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