Ch. 8

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Gaius had came soon after Ewan had fallen asleep, (Y/n) told him what Ewan had told her and showed him the snake bites on his neck. Merlin had showed up after Arthur finished with his fight, a look of urgent was clearly seen on his face.

"Merlin what's wrong?" Gaius asked him as him and (Y/n) looked up from the sleeping body of Ewan.

He took a deep breath, "the knight Valiant, he did something before striking his opponent" he pointed to Ewan, "he was attacked when he was pinned down, not after"

Gaius nodded, "(Y/n) had found this on Sir Ewan's neck, it seems to be a snake bite and a fresh one at that" he said as the girl gently moved the knight's head to show him the wound.

Merlin's eyes widen as he saw the wound, "do you think he's cheating somehow?"

Gaius' mouth tilted, "maybe, but we don't have proof or an eye witness to any foul play"

(Y/n) stood up from the stool from beside Ewan, "you could keep an eye on him, see if he does anything out of the norm" she suggested to him again.

The brown haired teen nodded his head, "alright, how is Ewan doing?"

"The wound is from a poisonous snake, but we don't have the venom to make an antidote, he may not make it to the morning after tomorrow without one" (Y/n) answered him as she sat back down on the stool, grabbing a rag and putting it into water.

Gaius turned to the (h/c) girl and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "how do you know if it's a poison snake bite?"

She gestured to the knight's neck, "around the wound the viens are darker than normal and can be clearly seen, surely a sign that poison was involved in the bite" she explained herself, trying not to show Gaius how nervous she was on trying not to look suspicious.

The older gentleman moved closed to her and moved the knight's head, inspecting the wound himself to see if what he was saying was correct. He hummed as he released his head, Gaius turned to look at her, "not bad, good job on discovering that" he praised her slightly as he placed a hand on her back.

'Nice! He doesn't suspect a thing!' (Y/n) thought as she smiled at him, not noticing the small look of jealousy on Merlin's face as he watched Gaius be proud of her.

"I'm gonna go see if Arthur needs me" Merlin said as he turned to leave the room, causing the two to turn and look at him.

~Time Skip~

(Y/n) hasn't left from Ewan's side unless it was necessary, she didn't know the exact time that Valiant would try to kill him so she couldn't take any chances. The (h/c) teen decide to bandage the wound so it wouldn't get infected, as she was doing that Merlin stormed his way into the room.

"Gaius!" He shouted for the physician.

He looked up from the book he was reading, "what's wrong Merlin?"

"It's Valiant! I saw him feed his shield live mice, the snakes came to life!" He exclaimed to the poor old man.

(Y/n) looked over at him, "how many snakes did you see?" She asked him.

He looked at her, "three came out of the shield, one of them most likely attacked Sir Ewan during their match"

"Even if he did you have no proof"


Gaius shook his head slightly, "if what you say is true than Valiant is using magic to win the tournament, but to accused a knight of using magic without proof would surely get you killed" he explained.

"The only thing best to do now is to see if you are able to get one of the snake head's so we can use it to make the antidote (Y/n) mentioned"

"Best do it tomorrow, I have a feeling Valiant may be aware of Merlin suspecting him" (Y/n) mentioned to the duo as she stood up, finished with patching the wound.

Gaius nodded, "(Y/n) is right, best to do it in tomorrow"

A unsure expression washed over Merlin's face as he take in what they were telling him. He clearly seem he didn't want to wait until tomorrow but what choice does he have?

He sighed before nodding slowly, "right" he said almost in a quiet tone.

(Y/n) moved over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "don't worry Merlin, I'm positive Valiant will have what's coming to him soon" she said to him with a smile, trying to ease his nerves a bit.

"I hope you're right"

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