Ch. 21

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Today was the day that Lancelot would try out for the knights of Camelot, with the clothes and chain mail provided by Guinevere he was ready. Said person was joining them as they traveled to the training grounds, where Arthur was currently. Both the girls were wearing cloaks as it was slightly chilly out, while Merlin wore his brown jacket.

"So Gwen, how have you been lately?" (Y/n) strikes up conversation as they were walking in silence for some reason.

Gwen moved her attention to the (h/c) haired girl, "I have been doing fine these days, how about you?" She asked back with the same question.

She sighed, "honestly? I could be better but with all this stuff lately I rather be jumping off a cliff" she admitted a bit quieter so the two lads don't hear her.

Brown eyes widen as she heard this, "you're not going ill are you? Maybe you should rest for the day"

(Y/n) shook her head, "it's just how I'm feeling Gwen, plus I can't actually do it with my leg like this" she mentioned as she glared down at her leg, annoyed it hasn't heal overnight.

"I can't help but worry about you now, are you always like this?"

"Sadly, but wait once I have had barely any sleep, then you should be worried" she joked to herself as they had managed to make it to the training grounds. They seemed to have made it just in time, as for Arthur was standing by the weapons and shields as the knights and want-to-be knights were standing and looking at him.

"Thank you for joining me gentlemen, today for those who wish to join the knights of Camelot must be able to stand one minute with me in a duel, Sir Ewen you are the first one up" he announced to everyone and called out his first opponent before turning to draw a sword from the stand.

(Y/n) tilted her head as she watched Sir Ewen walk up to Arthur with a sword in hand, "yo can I be a knight?" She asked out loud as the fight began.

"You can barely fight a winged creature so what makes you think you can be one?" Merlin was quick to respond, making the girl hit him with one of her crutches, "hey!" She stuck her tongue out at him as Guinevere couldn't help but laugh at their interaction.

Lancelot decided to join in on the conversation to help ease his nerves, "maybe if (Y/n) has had some training, she can at least be able to win against Merlin" Merlin looked at him with a flabbergasted expression as (Y/n) snorted into laughter as the duel drew to a closed with Arthur as victor.

Sir Ewen got off the ground as Arthur turned around to look at the want-to-be knights, "who shall be next to try?" He asked semi-loudly as a small smug smile was on his face, he was clearly enjoying beating the newbies. Merlin decided to nudge Lancelot a bit to get him to take a step forward.

"I wish to go next" Lancelot said loud enough for the blond prince to hear him, his hands clutching around the enchanted papers a bit due to nerves.

He turned his attention to the want-to-be knight, "alright, what's your name?"

"Sir Lancelot, I come from the house of Geubert" he announced himself as Arthur walked up to him, holding out the paper to show the seal of nobility.

Arthur took the enchanted paper and looked at the seal, he hummed as he did, "I didn't know Lord Guebert had a son" he comment.

"I'm a nephew of the lord, surely he hasn't said anything about me since I am not a direct heir" Lancelot lied his way through, not faltering from the sudden info of the lord not having a son.

The prince hummed again before closing the paper, "alright Lancelot, let's see what you are made of" he said with a smile as he handing the paper back to him before going to choose a new weapon.

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