Ch. 27

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"Remind me again why she had to come along?" Arthur asked his servant as they walked in a forest, out hunting for the day.

Merlin turned his head to look at the (h/c) haired girl who seemly to be enjoying the walk through nature, "she wanted to be support in case one of us gets injured" he answered him as he adjusted the hunting equipment in his arms.

The prince rolled his eyes slightly, "sounds like an excuse to get out of the castle"

"Gaius also told me tag along to try out my medical skills so blame him" (Y/n) joined into the conversation as she was getting tired of the prince talking about her like she wasn't there.

Arthur turned his head to look at her before looking forward, "long as you can stay quiet I really don't care, you can do that can't you?"

(Y/n)'s mouth opened as she was a bit shocked to hear the tease, "of course I can be quiet! But not if you be such an arse" she retorted back.

"Speaking like that to a prince is treason"

"Says the donkey"

Merlin was quick to put a hand on Arthur to stop him from attacking the girl as he heard something nearby, "wait, something's happening over there" he pointed to the side.

Giving (Y/n) a glare, Arthur placed a hand on the end of the sword and drew it out. He started to walk in the direction Merlin had just pointed out to them, the two following behind him. Deciding to stay close to the foliage, they were able to see passed a tree that two people get attacked by what they can assume were robbers.

"They're being attacked!" (Y/n) said out loud as her eyes were widen, her hand going to the satchel and gripping it out of slight fear.

Arthur looked to the girl before moving his attention back to the robbers, "not for long, stay here" he commanded the two before standing up straight and going to intervene.

Merlin and (Y/n) looked at each other before she gestured him to go follow him, with a shake of a head he followed suit. The (h/c) haired girl decided it was of her best interest if she stayed out of sight and not intervene herself.

"I may have magic now but I know no spell to help me in a fight, mean I don't know any spells except the two Edwin taught me but that ain't useful in this situation" she talked to herself in a quiet tone in order to help calm her nerves.

She watched as Arthur swung his sword at the robbers, him putting himself in front of the man and the girl as he kept them behind him. She noticed a tree branch falling to the ground, landing on one of the robbers and maybe killing him since it was a thick branch.

"Like whatever spell that was, that's a useful spell" she commented as a single robber ran from the fight as the others are assumed dead.

Now seeing that it was safe, (Y/n) got herself standing as she wiped the dirt off of her knees. She walked over to the two of them as they caught their breaths, opening the satchel she brought out her cantine and held it out for Merlin.

"Thank you for saving us, I thought we were done for" the man thanked the boys as he gave a nod in appreciation.

Arthur sheathed his sword, "it is no problem, may I ask why the two of you are traveling in this forest? It's known for its thieves"

The man gestured to the person with a hood on, "we were making our way to Camelot, we wish to speak to the King"

The hooded figure moved their hands to the hood and removed it off of their head, revealing a beautiful young women.

Arthur was a bit caught off guard but quickly got out of it as he looked to the man, "I am Prince Arthur, I can escort you both to my father"

"Oh Prince Arthur" the man bowed along with the girl, "we are thankful for your kindness"

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