Ch. 35

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(Y/n) looked out the window, "he really is going to just stand there" she was looking at the black-clad knight. She then turned to look at Merlin as he was standing next to her, "you think his feet are hurting from all that standing?"

He was also looking at the knight, "I haven't seen him move from that spot since he arrived, so most likely"

She nodded her head, "think he'll move if I throw a rock at him?"

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "who wouldn't move from getting hit by a rock?"

She shrugged, "maybe this guy won't"

The door opened behind them to show Gaius.

"What's going on Gaius?" Merlin asked him, turning to face him.

He looked over to him, "Arthur requested you, might want to go see what he wants"

Merlin groaned slightly, "of course he needs me when something exciting happens"

He then left the room, leaving Gaius and (Y/n).

The old men held up a letter, "a letter has arrived for you (Y/n)"

Her eyes widen in excitement, she sped over to him and grabbed the letter from his hand. "It's from Lance!" She cheerfully yelled as she rushed to sit at the table, hands moving to open the letter.

Gaius rose an eyebrow, "you've been writing to that fellow?"


Dearest, (Y/n)
I have made it to a quiet little village for the night, I intend to make way to the kingdom of Riverling once dawn comes as I remember you mentioning the kingdom. Do tell on how Guinevere is doing, last I heard she was having an annoying time as you call it. I do miss our interesting conversations and the uncommon words you speak with in these lonely times of mine, hopefully soon in the future we will have another one of those. I do hope you tell me all the magical adventures you and Merlin have done while I am away. They might help me get through this journey until I reached the safety of the kingdom. The kind people that are allowing me to stay the night are not keen on having the candles on for too long, so I'm afraid this letter may be short, I will do my best to make the next one longer.

Till the next time we speak,

(Y/n) had held a hand to her cheek as she read this, she could feel herself becoming giddy as she read the letter.

Gaius looked over her shoulder, "looks like the two of you are quite close"

She slammed the letter down onto the table on instinct and looked back at him, "why are you looking at something so private!" She said as she felt a bit embarrassed on this, similar as to when one of her friends would catch her reading fanfic on her phone.

A small chuckle came from him, "I'm just glad you found someone besides Merlin to talk too"

She looked at him confused, "what are you talking about? I talk to Arthur, Gwen, and Morgana"

He shook his head, "I'll leave you to write your reply" he said with a small smile before making his way out of the room.

(Y/n) looked at him with narrowed eyes till he left, then she was quick to move to grab a quill, ink, and paper as she thought of her reply.

"It's hard to think of a reply without being able to backspace to change and make it sound better" she talked to herself as she played with the quill in the ink bottle.

Taking a few minutes to decide on how she should reply, she redrew the quill from the bottle and placed it on the paper.

Dear Lancelot,
It's great to hear from you and see your still kicking, your letters always brightens the mood for the day. I cannot wait for us to be able to talk face to face again, as I have a lot to tell you that doesn't require hundreds of letters. I expect you to tell me all about that kingdom as it sounds like someone just named the kingdom on the spot. Guinevere and Morgana are doing the same thing as usual so there's really nothing interesting there, probably getting used to having each other around so there's that. And as for our magical adventures, let's just say there's currently a undead knight brought to life standing outside the castle that intends to kill Arthur, but Merlin isn't going to let that happen as they're destined to each other.

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