Ch. 19

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"I got the shrooms!" (Y/n) called out to Merlin as she held out some mushrooms in her hands, a goofy smile on her face as she was trying to hold back her laugh.

Merlin looked up from tree before shaking his head as he looked back to the ground, "stop with the jokes (Y/n), I'm trying to get back to the castle" he told her as he grabbed a mushroom and pulled it gently out of the ground. She laughed before placing the mushrooms in her little basket, turning to walk to look for more.

Gaius had asked the two to gather some mushrooms as he was getting low, apparently the girl had learned that mushrooms were good for medicine. So she was collecting enough of them so they wouldn't run out any time soon, so far she's the only successful one as she had slightly more mushrooms than Merlin had.

"I'm going to look a few trees from here" (Y/n) called out to him as she moved to a new location.

"Careful now, don't want you tripping"

"Har har, I'm not always tripping" she called back as she looked back and sneered at him before looking back to the front. Getting to a new area, she bended down as she looked around trees and roots.

A roar instantly gained both of the teen's attention as they looked up from the ground, Merlin's eyes widen as he pushed himself away from his tree as a creature flew at him. He landed on his butt before standing and taking some steps back as he looked at the creature that just had attacked him, (Y/n) stood up as she held her basket to her body.

In front of them was an enormous winged beast with the head of a eagle, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird, it released one of its claw from the tree as it turned to face the two humans. Opening it's beak the creature screeched before jumping/flying at the two. Merlin was quick to turn and run from the creature, he grabbed (Y/n) by her arm and pulled her along with him. The two ran as they tried to get away from the creature, but their human legs were no match for the wings and legs of the mighty creature. The two of them could hear it land on the ground close behind them before leaping into the air once again, both of them looking for a way to evade the creature but nothing looked to work.

"We're so dead!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Shut it!" Merlin shouted back at her.

The two jumped over a fallen log, but was mistaken with the height as the (h/c) haired girl's leg gets nicked by one of the branches, causing her to fall face first to the ground.

"God dammit!" she cursed as she felt pain in her leg, she looked moved to be sitting on her butt and she looked to her leg to see the branch had torn through her pants and made a slight deep scratch in her leg.

Merlin moved to pick the girl up, but fell backwards as the creature landed in front of them. He scrambled back as he panicked, he looked toward the injured girl than back to the creature as it screeched at him. The black haired boy tried to ignore his fear as he tried to use his magic, but before he could someone jumped over the log and screamed at the beast.

"Get back!" The mysterious man yelled at the beast as he swung his sword at it.

The creature roared as it moved onto its hind legs, its arms up in the air before bringing one down onto the stranger. His sword clashing against the claws as he pushed its paw back, he than swung his sword to its chest, but the sword breaks once it made contact with the skin. The beast screeched as it moved back, it's wings flapping as it took to the sky, leaving the three to the ground as it moved to another location.

The stranger panted as he watched as the beast leaves his sight, he than turned to the duo on the ground, "are you two alright?" He asked them as he moved close.

Merlin nodded, "as much as we can be" he replied with a corner of his lips lifted, "who are you?" He asked, not minding the pain his friend was currently in.

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