Ch. 12

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It's been some time since the competition, (Y/n) was used to having the episodes be back to back but now will have to wait and see when the next event will be. Gaius had her working on antidotes and healing mixtures so she would be prepared in case something similar to Ewan's case would to happen ever again. Merlin was serving Arthur as usual, he should be getting done cleaning the stables as we speak.

The black haired teen walked into the physician's room with a loud groan, gaining the attention of the (h/c) teen who was making a burn rub of some sorts. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow before letting out a snort as she covered her mouth, Merlin was covered in mud and horse dung as he slouched into a chair.

"Not a word" Merlin said to her as he leaned his head back.

She coughed behind her hand before lowering it down, a grin still on her face as she put down a vial back on a rack. She grabbed a towel from beside her, "here" she threw the towel at his face, "wash up before I start puking" she told him as she laughed.

The towel landed on his chest, causing him to look up and give her a blank look. A smirk soon slowly grew on his face, "thank you, I should repay you for giving this to me" he said to (Y/n) as he grabbed the towel and stood up.

"I just gave you a towel" she said confused till she saw the boy start walking toward her with his arms opened wide. Her own eyes widen as she's realized what he was going to do, "Gaius!" She called for the physician as she ran from Merlin, who laughed as he chased after her.

She jumped over a stack of books when she was tackled by the covered boy, as they landed on the ground the door opened to reveal Gaius behind it.

"(Y/n), Merl-" he stopped himself as he looked to the ground to see a struggling (h/c) teen as the black haired teen kept her in a tight grip. "What is going on here?" He asked the two as he looked at them with a confused expression.

The two stopped moving as they both moved their head to look at the standing figure in front of them. Merlin released his grip on the girl as he stumbled to get to a standing position, (Y/n) coughed as the smell corrupted her nose.

"Gaius! I was ju-" Merlin was cut off as Gaius raised a hand in the air.

He shook his head before looking at both of them, "never mind that, the both of you get clean, we're needed in town" he told the two as he walked passed the two to get his things together.

Merlin sighed before his legs buckled underneath him, (Y/n) just attempted to knock him down on his face by kicking the back of his legs but only him to land on his knees.

"Why that really necessary?"

"Yes, yes it was"

~To the Town~

The three of them crouched over a body that was laying in the middle of the path in town, (Y/n) held the sheet over half of the men's body as they looked at his face, which was pale with blue viens as his eyes were pure white.

"What do you think happened?" Merlin asked the physician.

He shook his head, "nothing I have seen before, I haven't heard of a sickness that called for blue viens and whited out eyes" he answered as he gestured for the sheet.

(Y/n) handed it over to him, "we gotta stay quiet about this so we don't cause a panic, don't want to scare anyone" she said as Gaius covered the men's face.

The three stood up from the ground, only to see Guinevere making her way toward them with a bundle of flowers in her arms.

"Merlin, Gaius, (Y/n)" Guinevere greeted them with a smile.

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