Ch. 29

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Merlin rushed to Arthur to talk him out of it now that they knew what the two guest actually were, (Y/n) and Gaius stayed to talk to Guinevere about what she had heard.

"Why would Arthur marry Sophie?" Gaius asked her.

(Y/n) shrugged her shoulders, "maybe it's cause she's a blonde" she commented nonchalant.

The browned haired girl shook her head slightly, "he said something about love at first sight, there's something wrong with that girl but I don't know what" Guinevere told them.

The two shared a look when she said that, causing the girl to look at them worried.

"There's something the two of you are not telling me, who are those two?" She asked them.

A hum came from the (h/c) haired girl as she shifted on her foot, "do you want the truth?" Gaius gave her a look when she asked that.

Guinevere nodded her head.

"I discovered they're not really royalty and trying to be one by marrying Arthur, I overheard Sophie talking about forcing him to marry her by putting a spell on him" she lied straight through her teeth as she crossed her arms, trying to give Guinevere a serious look to make it look like she's speaking the truth.

A gasped escaped her mouth, "what! They have to be stopped!"

Gaius looked at his apprentice with somewhat of an impressed as the lie was a solid one.

(Y/n) nodded her head, "that's why I know exactly where they plan to continue with the spell, the girl isn't really known for keeping quiet" she said with a wink as she uncrossed her arms.

"Where are they?" Guinevere asked her.

She shook her head, "don't worry Gwen, I'll make sure your beloved prince is back safe and sound" she gave the girl a pat on the shoulder before heading.

'I'm so cool!!' (Y/n) thought as she couldn't hold back a smile as she rushed to the forest to the lake where they had spied on Aulfric at.

Horses were heard leaving the court yard while they were talking, meaning that Arthur along with Sophie and Aulfric had already left. Merlin should be knocked out by now so that leaves (Y/n) to follow them herself.

'I don't think I thought this through' she thought as she physically ran to the lake, trying to avoid the route to not be seen. Her breathing was starting to become erratic as she wasn't used to running for this long, 'I can't interfere with the plot line, but is the original plot line still a thing? This is all happening too fast, even for it being real now' she continued to think as she saw the reflection of the water in the distance.

Slowing her pace down, she tried to keep her breathing down as she hid behind some bushes. It being better then standing behind a tree as her legs were burning from the run over. Quietly as she can, (Y/n) slowly moved her fingers through the leaves as she planned to make a hole to leak through.

"Don't you mean the both of us?" Sophia's voice was heard from the other side.

"No, the elders are only allowing you to return, I will remain banished and live a mortal life" Aulfric was heard replying to her.

'Stupid leaves! Get out of the damn way!' The (h/c) haired girl thought as she was struggling with getting a view through the foliage.

She gritted her teeth as she tried to use both of her hands this time, see if that would make any sort of a difference. Her (e/c) eyes widen as she saw a faint (f/c) glow around the leaves, them being moved to the side to shape into a space for her to see.

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