Ch. 5

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Merlin was sitting in a chair when (Y/n) got back to the room, he looked like he was in deep thought since he didn't notice the girl opening the door and closing it.


He looked up to see her walking toward him, "(Y/n)! I need to tell you something!" He said to her as he stood up from the chair.

She tilted her head, "whatcha need?"

"You know that singer Uther hired for tonight?"

"I think her name in Helen"

"Anyways, I went to give her the elixir but she wasn't in her room so I walked in and went to put it on her table when I noticed she had a poppet hidden under some things, she than came in and questioned me if I saw anything when I was leaving" he explained to her.

(Y/n) looked at him with slightly risen eyebrows, "well don't we have a little pervert just walking into woman's rooms" she said as she leaned slightly away from him.

Merlin groaned as the girl laughed, "this is serious (Y/n), I think there might something weird about this singer"

'Guess the end of this episode is coming, man I really wanna tell him he's right' she thought as she shrugged, "maybe you just saw her childhood doll, if I had one I'd keep it with me to help calm my nerves" (Y/n) said to him.

His mouth tilted as he hummed, "maybe you're right, she doesn't look like she can do any harm expect to our ears" he lightly joked, causing the girl to scoff as she moved to hit his stomach.

"A woman's voice is her everything, don't be so rude" she scolded him as the tone was cheery. She walked over to a stack of books, "by the way I told Morgana that we'd be there, she's going to be the one in a red dress" (Y/n) told him as she picked up a book.

He rose an eyebrow, "you talked to the lady in waiting?"

She nodded, "I did with the help of Guinevere, made it less awkward with her there"

~Time Skip To The Celebration~

When the two of them entered the room, Gaius had already sat down at one of the table with a seat opened next to him. Merlin and (Y/n) went ahead and walked over to him since they didn't really know what to do.

"Ah (Y/n), Merlin, you both made it on time" Gaius commented as he saw the two.

Merlin nodded, "who would miss this celebration?" He asked sarcastically as (Y/n) tried not to laugh.

Gaius looked over to the (h/c) girl, "take a seat, you must be tired from today" he said as he motioned for the girl to sit beside him.

(Y/n) rose an eyebrow, "am I allowed too?"

He nodded, "you are my apprentice after all, it only makes sense you sit with me" he said with a smile.

The smile instantly appeared on the girl's face as she moved to sit next to him. She turned to Merlin and stuck her tongue out at him, "I'm the favorite!" She gloated before laughing. Merlin looked at the two, an unamused expression on his face.

Morgana soon walked into the hall in her revealing red dress, catching the attention of everyone in the hall. She held a soft smile as she made her way to the long table where both Uther and Arthur sat at.

'Man I can barely hear them, where can I put the real life subtitles on?' (Y/n) asked herself as she looked at the king talked to her as she sat in her seat.

Not soon after Morgana walked into the room, Helen walked in and climbed the small stage that was brought in hours before the guests came.

Uther rose a hand up, silencing the whole room. He than gestured to the stage and Helen, "our entertainment for the evening, Helen will be singing for us as we celebrate Camelot being free from magic for 20 years" He announced as he lowered his arm down.

'here we go, just gotta remember to cover my ears' (Y/n) thought as Helen thanked Uther and got herself ready to sing.

Helen's voice started soft, catching the girl by surprise by how it actually sounded like. She looked at the singer amazed with how she controlled her voice as she sang.

"Wow, she's really good" (Y/n) commented in a whisper, trying not to bother the person next to her.

Gaius nodded slightly, "the best they could find" he told her as he himself was getting lost in the song.

Helen started to move her hands as she sang, almost in a hypnotizing way.

(Y/n) shook her head a she realized that everyone was about to be put in a trance. She looked around to see people starting to fight to open their eyes, herself could feel her body feel heavy. She quickly moved her hands to her ears, 'can't fall asleep!' She thought in a panic as Helen's voice started grow louder in volume.  She looked around as she tried to see where Merlin was standing, (Y/n) found him over by the royal's table with his hands on his ears as well.

'I can't get his attention without getting Mary's, I just have to pretend when she stops singing' she thought as she watched the castle begin to age rapidly. She looked at the food on the table with sadness in her eyes, 'I didn't even get to eat yet'

As she sang, Helen reached to her leg and took a knife out from underneath her dress. Merlin and (Y/n) looked at the woman with widen eyes.

'It's an actual knife, where's CGI when you need it!?' (Y/n) panicked as she watched the woman walk off stage and to underneath the chandelier.

Merlin acted quick as he looked up at the hanging lights, his eyes glowing a golden hue as he casted a spell on it.

The hinges creaked as it swayed slightly. Helen looked up to see the chandelier swinging before it snapped and dropped on her. She gasped as the item fell onto her body, but because she stopped singing, the affect of the song started to fade. Her true form revealed as the crowd started to wake up from their sudden slumber, in her last stitch effort Mary threw the knife at Arthur.

"Look out!" (Y/n) stood up as she yelled from her seat, gaining the attention of everyone's as they realized what was happening.

Merlin, once again, acted and casted a time slowing spell in the room. He moved over to Arthur and pulled him out of his seat, the spell quickly disappearing as the knife embedded embedded itself into the seat.

Mary sighed as she released her final breath before her body went limp.

Uther stood up from his chair as he looked at the very recent dead woman on the floor before looking over to his son, or where his son was suppose to be. He looked over to see Merlin and Arthur were standing by each other, he moved over to them.

He looked at his son before the brown haired teen next to him, "you saved his life, I am in your debt" Uther told Merlin as he put a hand on Arthur's shoulder.

Merlin shook his head, "it's fine you don't have too" he said to him as he awkwardly smiled at him.

Uther shook his head, "nonsense...for protecting my son I want you to be Arthur's manservant" he said, surprising both of them teens.


"father no!"

"Hahaha!" (Y/n) laughed as she watched Merlin hate his life in front of the King. Gaius had to hit her to get her to be quiet, gaining the attention of everyone that wasn't freaking out on the assassination attempt that had just happened or those not confused on how there were now cobwebs on everywhere

~To Be Continued...Maybe~

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