Ch. 25

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Next day and there was already rumors of Gaius getting replaced by Edwin, not news you'd expect waking at almost mid day. Somehow waking up just in time, (Y/n) was summoned along with Gaius. With a quick change, the two of them made their way as Merlin decided to tag along.

"You don't think the rumors are about to become true?" (Y/n) asked the two.

Gaius shook his head, "nonsense, Uther knows that my skills are valid and still growing as new information is brought to light everyday"

Merlin leaned sightly close to the (h/c) haired girl, "so their about to be true" he said in a low whisper, causing the girl to snicker a bit.

The trio made their way to the doors to the throne room, said doors opened as they were allowed in. Inside stood Uther, Arthur, and Edwin who stood next to a pillar.

"What is it that you needed Sire?" Gaius asked as they stood in front of the king.

A look of slight concern was seen on Uther's face before he covered it with his usual king face, "it has come to me that you have grown old Gaius, not being able to do things you used too in your early years"

The physician licked his lips slightly before speaking, "I don't see what my age has to do with my job sire, I am still able to perform my duties"

He shook his head, "one slip of yours almost costed the life of my ward, maybe it is time for a retirement"

A look of surprised appeared on the trio's face, shocked to hear such a thing come out of the king's mouth. Unknown to everyone, a smirk was slowly forming on Edwin's mouth as he watched the scene.

"Since you are such a dear friend of mine Gaius, I will give you a generous allowance and allow you to use your quarters until further notice"

A sigh came from Gaius before he looked to Uther, "I would rather leave Camelot if you don't mind"

A slight look of sorrow appeared Uther's face, "if that is what you wish, I will allow it"

Gaius moved from his position and bowed to him, "it has been an honor working for the royal family, may I ask who will take my place?"

Uther gestured a hand to the side, "Edwin has volunteered his services, he shall be the new court physician" said male walked toward the group.

A hand was slowly risen into the air, soon catching Uther's attention, "you may speak"

"May I ask why I was summoned as well? You don't usually call for me" (Y/n) spoke as she lowered her hand.

"Ah, since you were Gaius' assistant you shall become Edwin's under his request"


Uther has dismissed everyone from the room, Merlin was quick to Gaius' side, "he can't do this Gaius! There's no reason to fire you!" He showed his opinion on the matter.

"He's just showing favoritism for the dude saving his ward" (Y/n) chimed in as they walked to what used to be Gaius' quarters.

"No Uther is right, it is about time I retire and focus on something else" the older gentleman said as they walked down a small flight of stairs.

"This is your whole life, what else can you do?"

"I have always had the thought of a nice cottage in the countryside, maybe in a valley"

(Y/n)'s lips thinned as she went into her thoughts, 'this seemed like it went through a day in the series, but it's taking it's sweet time with my emotions' she thought as her eyes were already feel teary at the thought of never seeing Gaius again.

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