Ch. 17

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The door busted open as Gaius and Gwen rushed in as they held onto Merlin, (Y/n) trailed behind them as Arthur trailed behind her. She placed the cup down on the table as they led the boy onto the collapsible bed.

"Gaius what's wrong with him" Arthur asked as Gaius was quick to start checking on him.

"He's been poisoned you stale french fry, what did you expect when he said the drink was poisoned" (Y/n) was quick to snark as she moved to Gaius' side.

"Stale french fry?" He muttered to himself as he was confused with the name.

Guinevere was quick to go fetch a basket of water nearby as she grabbed a clothe to use for his forehead, "he'll be alright won't he Gaius?"

"I have no idea till I find out what the poison is made out of"

"It was by the Mortaeus Flower, there's a petal of it in the cup and they are very poisonous" (Y/n) stated as she leaned her head to Merlin's chest, hearing how his heartbeat was.

Everyone looked at her with widen eyes, Gaius moved to look at the cup on the table and inspected the inside.

Guinevere looked at her with her eyebrows scrunched a bit, "how do you know this?"

"I read it in a book" she replied nonchalantly as she moved off of his chest.

Gaius used a small pliers and pluck the petal out of cup, he quickly moved to one of his herb books and opened the page as he looked for the flower.

"If we don't hurry with the antidote than Merlin won't survive the week, and I am not ready to see my friend die in front of me" she stated to everyone in the room as she moved to remove his scarf and the vest he wore, wanting him to be able to produce less heat as he'll be sweating within the hour.

Gaius stopped on a page as he lead his finger down on the page as he read the content on it, a hum escaped his throat as he read, "she's right, the Mortaeus Flower is a deadly plant, whoever wanted to kill Arthur must hold a grudge if they used this plant"

Arthur moved so he was close to the older physician, a small look of worry on his face as it also determination, "where can we get the antidote?"

"The Mortaeus Flower can only be found in the caves beyond the Forests of Baylor, but it's a dangerous journey if you seek them"

After taking care of Merlin and making sure he was somewhat comfortable as he was starting to sweat, (Y/n) stood up and moved over to the two gents.

"I'm going"

Gaius was quick to shut her down, "no way, you're needed here"

She gestured to Arthur, "if princey is going to go than he'll need a medic if injured any way, there's not much I can do if there's no antidote here" she explained as she moved to cross her arms under her chest, leaning on one foot.

"It's too dangerous" Arthur joined in as he sided with the old man.

She rolled her eyes, "sure it's dangerous when a female goes but once a male goes it's fine" she commented as she gave the two a blank look, "I'm going, if you didn't hear me before I'm not gonna sit as I watch my closest friend die" she finished as she gave the blond a glare as she moved and walked away from the two.

Arthur and Gaius watched as she returned to tending to the ill Merlin along with Guinevere.

"She doesn't look like the knight type" Arthur commented as he crossed his arms in a loose manner, "but she got the guts of one"

Gaius nodded slowly, "I'm afraid that is what is going to be the death of her, but she'll survive with friends like you three" he said to the prince with a small smile.

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