Ch. 20

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Due to her injured leg, (Y/n) will have to use crutches for a while. For the rest of the day she had Gaius help her up and down the stairs, and she would sometime check on Lancelot to see if he had waken up yet. Merlin was called on by Arthur sometimes after he had fixed up her leg, so he was busy for the remaining of the sunlight which was basically the whole day. The next morning (Y/n) was allowed by Gaius to sleep in a bit so she doesn't put too much stress on the leg, so she was in the room when Lancelot woke up due to the sun shining into the room and onto his face.

A slight groan escaped the brown haired male as he woke up, his body aching as he slightly pushed himself up as he opened his eyes. His eyes squinting slightly as the sunlight shined on them, taking him a minute to adjust to the brightness before looking at surrounding. Now noticing he was in a room of sorts, maybe in a town as he could hear people walking outside. As he looked around the small room he noticed a familiar (h/c) haired girl laying in a bed next to the one he was laying in. Seeing as she was asleep, he made sure to stay quiet as he slowly got himself out of bed. Lancelot slowly made his way out of the room and to the main area, not realizing that a certain somebody was already awake due to the creaking of the bed he accidentally made.

'I'm about to commit a murder' (Y/n) thought as she groaned, not like being woken up when she could still be sleeping. She rubbed her eyes to wake them up before yawning, slowly blinking as she gained awareness of her surrounding. She then turned her head slowly to the crutches beside her bed, a small pout appeared on her face, 'nothing important is happening today so maybe I can just go back to sleep'

"(Y/n)? You awake?" Merlin's voice asked from the other side of the door as a soft knock came before. She internally groaned as she leaned backwards, landing her head back onto her pillow.

The door opened to reveal the warlock of the duo, he tilted his head as he looked at the fallen girl, "I need your help talking to Arthur"

"What is up with you and Gaius on making me talk to people who don't like me?" (Y/n) questioned as she moved herself back to a sitting position.

He rolled his eyes, "he doesn't hate you, now come on" he told her as he moved over to her bed to pass her the crutches.

Now it was (Y/n)'s turn to roll her eyes, "thanks but I can grab them myself" she told him as she grabbed them from his hands.

"I'm just making sure you don't open the wound" he explained himself as he helped the girl to stand up.

"Whatever you say mama bird"

"I will push you"

The (h/c) haired girl was quick to try to move out of the way, but there was only such big steps you can take with crutches, Merlin laughed as he watched her hobble away from him. Lancelot was greeted by the girl as a frantic expression was on her face as she somehow rushed out of the room, Merlin just casually walking behind her.

He rose an eyebrow slightly, "did I miss something?"

Merlin shook his head, "just getting her out of bed is all" he replied as she sent a glare of sorts his way.

"How did you sleep (Y/n)?" Lancelot asked her.

She turned her attention to him, "good as I could, the wound was a pain since I couldn't get comfortable" she answered him as she moved her wounded leg forward before back to its previous position. She tilted her head slightly, "what about you, how did you sleep?" She asked him the same question.

He nodded his head slightly, "I could say the same way you did" he chuckled slightly.

'Gods why is this man so FINE'

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