Ch. 23

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"So if we put these in a jar like so" (Y/n) placed a handful of flower heads in a pitcher like bottle that was filled with hot water, "and after some time we'll have chamomile tea, it's great for anxiety and relaxation" she explained as she placed a lid over the top, she looked up to who she was explaining it too.

Gaius tilted his head as he looked at be pitcher, "I never heard of using herbs as tea, is it effective?"

She nodded, "loads of people will tell you that it works for them, but personally I haven't had the time to try to make it myself so this will be my first time drinking it"

'And with my stress levels higher then normal thanks to being in a different time, I'm definitely gonna need this to help keep my sanity'

Gaius nodded to himself, but before he could say anything else. The door leading to the room was a abruptly opened as Arthur kinda walked into the room, a look of high concern was seen on his face.

"Arthur, what's wrong?" Gaius asked him as he moved toward him.

Arthur licked his lips before answering, "it's Morgana, she needs immediate attention Gaius"

Eyes widening slightly, Gaius moved to grab his bag and a few things to help determine the illness once he's in her room. "Come now (Y/n)" was all he said to the (h/c) haired girl before walking to exit the room, (Y/n) was quick to follow as she left the tea alone.

The three of them walked with haste as they made their way to Morgana's room, the servants were cautious enough to stand to the side of the hallway to allow them pass by without interruption. Getting to the top of the stairs and to her room, Arthur opened the doors to reveal the sicken maiden as along with Uther who stood by her side on her bed. Guinevere was standing to the other side as a worried expression was on her face, (Y/n) made sure to walk over to her and give her some sort of comfort that everything will be alright. Merlin had just appeared with a bucket of water as he was ordered by Arthur to get some before he had left to get the physician, he placed the water behind where the three males were standing before moving over to watch Gaius work.

"What seems to be the problem?" Gaius asked as he placed his bag at the edge of Morgana's bed.

"She hasn't woken up yet, I have tried everything but nothing seemed to work and it feels like she is running a fever" Guinevere answered him as she took a step closer to them.

The physician moved closer to Morgana as he lifted a hand to her eye, he forces her eyes to open to take a look at her pupil. He hummed as he looked, "pupils are have shrunk, has she had any headaches or loss of appetite the pass few days?" Gaius asked Guinevere.

She nodded slightly, "she has told me of a headache bothering her yesterday, and she did barely eat her dinner last night"

Another hum escaped Gaius' throat as he moved to his bag.

"Do you know what is wrong with her Gaius?" Uther asked him, clearly worried for his ward.

"I might have an idea of what it could be, but I need to check one last thing to confirm" he replied as he took out one of those tools used to look through the ear.

'There's a bug in her head, if I knew the spell I could at least attempt to get it out myself' (Y/n) thought as she moved a hand to bite the nail of her thumb, 'this has to be the alchemy episode, meaning we're about to have a threat in the castle'

"Can you heal her?" It was now Arthur's turn to ask Gaius.

He took the tool out of her ear and shook his head, "I do not know the cause of this illness, I don't know what I can do for her" Gaius said as he looked at both the king and prince.

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