Importance of the Foundation

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That next afternoon I drove to Lonsdale and met with Rusty at his apartment.

"Hey Viki, I feel like you might break up with me today, but can I still give you a hug? I really missed you." Rusty asked as I entered.

"Of course, I missed you as well." I smiled and hugged him tight.

Rusty was always a level-headed guy. Not much could make him angry. He was patient and understanding and that's why I liked him so much. I realized that now.

"Did you cheat on me?" He asked as we sat on the couch in the living room.

"WHAT?! no no no no no! You are too important. I care so much about you Rusty! This is not about you specifically, but about us together." I told him.

He took a deep breath. "Ok, I have to admit I cried a lot last night because I thought you cheated on me." He smiled at me innocently and slightly embarrassed.

"I would never cheat on you Rusty. I'm sorry." I looked at him with a worried expression.

"It's ok. What do you need to talk about that involves both of us?"

"Our relationship is unhealthy." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

I explained to him my situation a couple nights ago and about how we rushed into dating so quickly when we barely knew each other. Then I told him that I still liked him and that I did want to be with him, but I need to know more about him and be friends first.

"Wow I was just friendzoned by my girlfriend." He said laughing to himself.

That also made me laugh, but then I said "Rusty, be serious."

"Right, sorry. I agree. With the information given it might be better for us. We could still hang out though right? It wouldn't have to be a date, but like, a friendship."

"Yes. I have 4 more years of college left until I graduate. You have 2 years left until you graduate. That means we will try this only friend thing for 2 years and see if we still have feeling for each other. We need to have a healthy foundation. Let's start over and let it come naturally." I smiled at him.

"I'll try." He grinned.

"Hello there, my name is Rusty Raymond Tybo. I was born in Lonsdale Arkansas and was raised on a farm there. I am 19 years old and I am in college and getting an agriculture degree."

I rolled my eyes at his annoying antics. "Hi Rusty, what a weird name, what's the origin behind it?"

He looked at me offended. "Excuse me, my name is beautiful. I was named Rusty because I was born in a rusty wheel barrow and my dad thought it was funny. Tell me about yourself."

I smiled at the story he told me almost a million times, "My name is Victoria Rose Sara Serenity Adeline Reaper. I was born in Salem Oregon and was raised in Dropper Arkansas. I am 18 years old and I am going to college to be a Psychologist."

"Interesting, that last name is weird...what's it's origin?" He asked to annoy me.

"Well Vladimir Grimm was adopted to terrible parents, but he respected them and decided to change his last name to something similar, so he decided on Reaper from the old stories about the Grim Reaper." I said like I have told this story a lot... because I have.

We laughed and talked as friends for a while until I went back home.

As I was laying in my bed about to go to sleep I thought about my life. This walk down memory lane brought back memories.

My dad and his abusive bipolar tendencies. My brother and his sacrifices. Josiah, James, Skylar, and Anna, the people I cared about so much. Tyler, Vinny, Marco, Dylan, Willie, and Nick, my family. I thought about my dad's death, my mother's death, I thought about all the times I was hurt of in danger, all the times I was scared or when I was laughing or annoyed. I sat there and just thought.

This is the end. The end of the madness. The end of me being scared and hurt. I will try to live a normal life. This is the end of my broken story, because now I am deciding for myself that I'm not a broken little girl anymore. I know it won't be that easy, but it will happen.

Yay, it's finally finished!!!!
You can read my authors note if you'd like for a little message from me. But before that, I have questions for you...hehehe.

How was the book?

Did you enjoy her ending?

Who is your favorite character?

When you cancel out the time he tried to take advantage of Viki do you like Sebastian with Victoria or do you like Rusty with Victoria?

How are you?

I want my books to be a safe zone so that people can talk about anything. Anything they have on their minds and anything they might need reassurance for or advice. I would like my readers to make sure they love or the person feeling sadness and try to make them feel less alone. No matter how much you feel like you can do something on your own, sometimes a little push is all you need to get back on the road to happiness and success.

I love you all and hope you have an amazing rest of your year. Continue to pursue positivity, (don't lie I know y'all are pessimistic children)

                                All my love, Lillyw2 🖤

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