When are we leaving?

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I woke up seeing Vinny, Tyler and Dylan hovered above me.

"Ahh!" I yelled scaling backwards on my bed and hitting my head against the wall.

"We thought you were dead." Dylan said in his soothing deep voice.

"Why are you in my room?!" I yelled again.

Then I mentally checked my body and I still had my clothes on, actually my whole room looked the same. Thank the Lord they didn't...well...anyways.

"Willie, Nick, Marco and your dad are out. We have to stay here till you wake up or till Jackson gets here." Dylan informed.

I let out a breath I didnt know I had been holding.  "And you had to be in my room to make sure of that?" I asked.

"No." Tyler started. "We came in here to check on you because its been 4 hours."

"What time is it." I asked rubbing my head.

"8:37." Vinny said checking his watch.

What? Where's Jackson?

"Jackson Isn't home?" I questioned.

"No he isn't, if he was we would'nt be here." Tyler mumbled rolling his eyes.

What a douche.

"Ok, you can leave now." I said chooing them.

Once they left I slowly got up and thats when I finally noticed my pounding headache.  I walked to the bathroom to look at my self in the mirror and to my horror was my own face.

My face was gross looking. I had taken my makeup off earlier today so I could see all that had been done to me.

I did look like a grape. I need to get away for a while.

"Viki?" Jackson said as he entered my room. Strange I didn't hear him come in.

"Hey." I smiled softly at my brother.

"Did dad do all of that?" He asked softly touching my cheek where one of the big bruises were.

"No I got beat up by some gang members and Josiah took me home. Then dad got mad at me for being disrespectful and knocked me out I think."

"Im so sorry I wasn't here, I was at a friends house and-"

"No Jackson it's ok really, I just hate this and I want to get away so bad. I don't like living like this anymore." I told him and for some reason tears began to swell up behind my eyes.

"You know what Victoria, Im moving away with some of my friends and my girlfriend. You can come with us and sleep on the couch. Then once I get a steady job I will buy a house and adopt you." He told me pulling me into a hug.

"T-Thank you Jackson. I love you."

"I love you too sis." He said squeezing me a little tighter.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"I don't know, sometime this week I guess. Just whenever my friends are ready. Keep a bag packed and under your bed or something." He told me.

"Ok." I smiled.

Then I decided to take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow was Saturday and I could sleep in as long as I wanted to.

Sorry it's a bit of a short chapter. There will be longer ones soon enough but this was kinda a filler chapter. I have been trappes in school ans haven't gotton the time to make a bunch of pre-made chapters. I have a few more pre-made ones and I will have to start writing more. Thankfully im getting fall break soon so there will be more then.

What do you think about Jackson leaving?

Who is your favorite character?

Is there any improvements I can be making? Like editing wise, publishing, or even making more characters present in the story. Like making them be more involved?

Thanks for reading this far!

All regards, Lilly<3

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