Bread Wars

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As we went outside Sally showed me the area I would be working at. She said I would come 4 days a week on the 4 days their family is super busy and can't really work. Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. She told me to just come after school accept on Saturdays I go at 8 am and Sundays 7:30 am. She said I just work till I get the amount of work done that is assigned to me that day. I agreed to everything and she told me that I would get the code to the gate, I would be allowed to come into the house to get to the backyard, unless they weren't home when I arrived, in that case I would just go around the house. She also told me that my chores would be in the 'break room', in their barn. It is basically just a huge room with saddle gear and a small table with a white board that the boys go to, to see their chores for that week.

We both agreed on everything and I had to do a bunch of tests like how many hay bails I could pick up at one time, which was one that I could barely lift and seeing how I bonded with all of their animals. I did amazing at that because I am not afraid of any of their animals, besides the chickens they are small devils I tell you.

After everything we both walked back up to the house and went inside to the kitchen, that's where I saw Rusty with a girl, who had brown hair and hazel eyes, laughing next to him.

"So that's everything Victoria, you sure you're up for the task?" Sally asked shutting the door behind her once I went inside.

"Um, y-yeah im sure." I said staring at Rusty and the girl.

"Oh, Rusty sweetie, look who came. Where were you?" Sally asked.

"I was picking Maya up from the ballet. I thought I told you, or maybe it was dad."

"It was probably your father. Victoria got the job." Sally smiled.

"Oh really, congrats Victoria." He smiled at me.

"So who is this, Rusty?" The girl who Rusty called Maya asked.

"This is Victoria Reaper, Victoria, this is Maya Stone." He grinned as Sally shook her head and strolled deeper into the kitchen getting some dough stuff out of the microwave.

"I'm his girlfriend." Maya said.

I looked at her weird. She suddenly got way overly protective, I mean girl I am not going to steal your man! I mean I like him and all but come on, calm down.

"Uh, wow that's some cool info I guess." I said acting as if I didn't care, "I guess I better go then. Thank you Mrs.Tybo." I said.

Sally stopped what she was doing and gave me a piece of paper with her number, address, and the code to the gate, as well as Mr.Tybo's phone number If I couldn't reach her.

"Thank you Mrs.-"

"Sally." She interrupted.

"Right. See you guys later." I said looking at Rusty being innocent and cute and Maya glaring at me like I just stole her favorite crayon or something.

"Oh you don't have to leave yet Victoria. I have always wanted to teach someone how to make bread if you want to help out, unless you have somewhere else to be of course." Sally intervened.

I thought about if for a second. My dad would most defiantly be home by the time I got there. It is also my birthday today so I need to do my ice cream tradition with the Queen family, AND I did want to get home in time to annoy the heck out of Tyler but he is pretty quick at cutting wood and it is a little chilly outside so I assume he won't want to be out there too long.

"I guess for a little longer, I only have a couple plans around lunch time." I gave in.

"Yay!" Sally beamed.

"Sally, you can always ask me to help you, I am really good at cooking." Maya defended.

"Oh, I thought you hated being in the kitchen. Especially helping me of all people, you and Rusty are always out." Sally said innocently, but I could hear the bit of sarcastic annoyance behind Sally's voice. I'm guessing she isn't really a fan of Maya.

"I'm appalled you could think such a thing as that!" Maya said, making me think we were arguing about how to cook ham on the first Thanksgiving, SINCE SHE IS TALKING LIKE SHE IS FROM THE 1800'S OR SOMETHING!

"What, are you victorian now?" I asked.

"Huh, says Victoria!" She said, obviously not ever making a comeback in her life because...what?

"Um, nice clap back?" I chuckled.

"I say we need to have bread wars!" Rusty laughed shaking Maya with his arm that was on her shoulders.

Sally laughed, "Have these girls even ever made bread?"

"I have!" Maya said loud. We all looked at her, "That's right, I have made bread with my mother many times. Does your mom make bread Victoria?"

"She doesn't make anything actually." I told her, since she is buried and all I don't think she really has time to come back from the dead and make some bread for her family.

"See, I can make bread and she can't. So I automatically win the challenge!" Maya said pointing her nose in the air.

"Hold on there speedy Gaunzalus, I never said I couldn't make bread." I told her.

"Oh really string bean? Who taught you to make bread if not your lazy mother."

"That is enough Maya." Sally demanded.

"No, it's ok Sally," I said. I don't usually use my moms absence for pity points but this I could not get away from. How dare she call my mom lazy, I have heard many great things about my mom from my brother and Mrs.King, who was her best friend. "I mean, Maya may be right. It's not like I really know. My mom died when I was a baby but even if she didn't you have no right saying anyone is lazy but yourself. If you really want to know how I learned to bake bread, I learned from 2 people. The first when I was about 5 or 6, a woman named Ms.Sullivan taught me. The second being from my best friends mom who is luckily a mother to me enough. Anyways, I don't feel the need to prove any skill I own to you, besides maybe I can type really fast and I can put together an entire motorcycle if the parts are given to me. Thank you for your time Mrs.Tybo, I have to be going."

"I-" Maya was about to say something sympathetic but shut her mouth and grew a smirk on her face. "Prove it."

"Prove what? That I don't have a mom because you can really ask anyone I have known longer than 5 years."

"No, I don't care if your mommy is real or not."

"Maya." Rusty warned."

"I want you to prove to me that you can make bread." Maya smiled wide.

"No." I stated and walked out.

I can make homemade bread, I may be a little rusty at it since I haven't had much practice since I was 10, but I know I can make homemade bread. I don't care to prove myself to anyone but myself which is why I chose to leave. That and if I stayed any longer I was going to bake her face into bread.

I left and went home. I walked up to my door and opened that door seeing the craziest sight.

Should I change the book cover?

If so, than what should I change it to?

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How do you feel about Maya Stone and do you think she is a little mean/over protective?

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