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Saturday morning.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of bacon filling my nasal passage bringing me the power to wake. Then I heard the sound of coffee brewing and I stretched waking up thinking about all the ways I could bring happiness to the dark world we live in.


Just kidding.

I woke up at 4:00am to a small earthquake and my cat clawing at my arm.

"Ahh, Egypt stop."

"Am I moving?" I thought then noticed the earthquake.


Ah my phone how lovely.

"Hello?" I said.

"You up?" Skylar asked in a hushed voice.

"No im sleep talking to you right now." I said sarcastically.

"Har har, I mean did I wake you."

"No I woke up a second ago to the earthquake."

"I did too." She said sadly.

"You ok?" I asked.

"No. Im not actually."


"James. Amber said they just started dating."

"What? Hahaha thats bull, they wouldn't be dating!" I informed her.

"She told me in Politics class..." Skylar mumbled.

"She's lying, im sure of it. If you're so worried about it why not ask Anna?"

"I didn't think about it, and it's 4 in the morning."

"True. Just ask her later, then you can tell me what she says."

"Ok, thanks vik, bye."

"Goodnight." I finished ending the conversation.

Then I laid back down and stared at the ceiling for a while and decided to watch a Harry Potter movie.

Im re-watching the series and im on the second movie at the moment.


A little later in the day I was up making myself breakfast when my brother came out of his bedroom, it was about 9:00am at this point and he looked BEAT! Not actually just really tired.

"Hey there sunshine." I laughed.

"My head hurts." He mumbled.

"Do we have any medicine?" I asked.

"No. I checked last night, we're all out."

"I can go get some." I told him taking a bite out of my piece of toast.

"Uh, its ok" he groaned holding his head.

"Get up." I told him and he stood from the kitchen table chair. "Follow." I ordered, and he followed me to his room.

I gestured him to sit on his bed and handed him my other piece of toast.

"Stay." I ordered again.

Then I left and got him a glass of water and brought it to him.

"Drink this, im getting you medicine you sicko." I told him and he slapped me upside my head while laughing. It really hurt because he hit a soft spot in my head where my dad punched but I smiled at my smiling brother.

When you live in a house like mine just a smile lightens the whole mood of the house. Especially when the person smiling is your big brother, who's been through a lot, who you look up to, who you trust and who you love dearly.

I left with some money and no makeup, but because im going to Phoenix to get the medicine it wont really matter. Dropper, my hometown, doesn't have a pharmacy because its so small. Its only like what? 3, 4 acers?

While I was heading to the pharmacy in Phoenix I was getting stares from people on the street, since I am not wearing makeup so I look like a freaking prune. I just hoped I wouldn't bump into anyone I knew thats all.

Once I reached the pharmacy a tall cowboy looking kid opened the door for me.

"After you ma'am." He told me in a country like accent.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I walked in and looked for headache medicine. I guess mr. Cowboy was as well.

"You here to treat your wounds?" He asked.

Oh honey please no I hate small talk.

"Nope, just getting medicine for my brother." I answered.

"I can help." He told me.

"No its ok I have it." I answered showing him the ibuprofen I had grabbed from the shelf. He was really attractive though. Cute kid overall. I give him an 8. Sorry its probably bad to rate peoples looks...

"No I mean your face."


"You can?" I questioned.

"Have you thought about putting a warm cloth on your face? It helps a little bit."

"Oh...uh no." I mumbled.

"Im Rusty by the way." Rusty said giving me a charming smile.

Rusty? Strange name..

"Im Victoria, thanks for helping me out." I smiled back.

Then he allowed me to get in line before him, he was really sweet actually.

After I got home and cared for my brother I relaxed on my bed petting my black cat while thinking about Rusty.

He seems so kind, this might be weird but Im super attacted by the guy and his gentlemanly personality. He seems so...I don't know...perfect?

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