The agreement

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"I will agree." I decided.

"And you know the consequences if you go against the agreement?" My dad asked.


"Willie, let her go." My dad said.

"Let's go little girl." My dad told me grabbing my arm and putting me on my motorcycle.

"Why don't you lead the way home Victoria."

"Fine." I mumbled starting my engine.

Once we got home we got into a huge fight about the situation, my grandpa Grim, then how grandma Adeline would have felt about all this as well. A punch or two was thrown, you know normal father daughter banters...NO, because this isn't normal.  He holds everything against me!

"Do you understand how evil you are?!" I yelled.

"I am not evil you just have a stupid expectation for reality that isn't normal!"

"Expectation on reality? Please tell me you are kidding.  Do you understand what you are doing to me and everyone is illegal?!"

"I can't believe how self centered my own daughter is." He said shaking his head.  He wants me to blow up he really does!

"You are psychotic, insane, I wouldn't be surprised if it was your fault Jackson left and betrayed me."

"It is actually."

"You're a psychopath." I told in him in a way where it sounded like I was giving up. Because frankly, he is driving me insane with being insane.

"I prefer creative.  My reasoning was that you had friends here, you need to finish school here-"

"You need someone to abuse every once in a while?" I asked.

"Ha, I don't abuse you, I discipline you. It's called parenting you selfish child."

"Oh yeah because you actually had loving parents who corrected you.  Your father visited you once a year.  Your mother let you leave from home and flunk highschool. Then got her rich boyfriend to pay your way into college. You're smart, you could do it. The thing you lacked WAS discipline.  Also if I am so selfish, who do you think I got it from? I got it from you.  You think you are so good you think you are a saint? Well, news flash Mr.Angel, you aren't. You are far from it. You wanna know why?"


"I will freaking tell you why!!  I hold a bomb over my head. It's that if I tell anyone you abuse me they die. My loved ones die.  Do you understand how that can ruin me?  I feel like I can't get close to anyone or else they are done for, and what should I say when they ask why I don't let anyone close to me?  Oh yeah sorry guys if you become my friend my abusive dad might kill you. Oh, but don't tell anyone I said that, he is very crafty in how he kills others.  It is your fault!  I feel like a slave that is not on earth for any purpose more than being a slave to my dad.  You make Jackson not take me with him wherever he is, and don't tell me, making me feel useless and betrayed when it was you all along.  You beat me up and people notice, asking 'are you okay' and I have to say 'I fell on my cat' just hoping they are dumb enough to believe me!"

"Well, you aren't perfect either!" My dad yelled slapping me in the face.  "You nag on and on thinking you have some power over me, and everyone.  You sulk hoping people will care, but they don't.  Josiah doesn't care about you. He is pitying you.  Sky-something doesn't think you're cool, she is intimidated by you.  Anne of green gables doesn't think you are a perfect orange pumpkin sunday on a rainy night, she thinks you are going to hurt her. So she tries to get on your good side.  That one other buff guy, he only talks to you because he is friends with Josiah.  You have no one Victoria."

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