A Piece Of Annoyance

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The next morning I woke up at 8:30am getting quiet a few text messages from my phone. I mean who the heck is up at 8:30 on a Saturday sheesh. The text messages were from my friends of course.

Skylar saying: "Happy Birthdayyyyy" and me responding with thank you.

Anna saying: "Happy Birthday goddess!!!!" and me responding with thanks

Josiah saying: "Happy Birthday weirdo, are you free? Niki and I want to take you to ice cream." and me responding "Thanks but we are going to have to take a rain check on the ice cream. I'm a little busy today but I will let you know when im free." I felt a little bad about that because ever since Niki and Josiah could drive we have always gone out to ice cream for each others birthday's. Niki and Josiah are now turning 18 and graduating college. Their birthday's are September 1st so they are seniors.

'Unknown Number': "Hello, this is Rusty Tybo. You gave me your number yesterday for the job offer. Obviously you would probably still remember that but you kinda smelt like beer and cigarettes so I don't really know if you get drunk and forget stuff, no offense by the way. Anyways, my parents have agreed to meet you and if you call me I will send you my address so you can come meet for the interview." How DARE he think I of all human beings get drunk!

Well actually he did meet me at the medicine store looking for pain pills while I looked as though I was ran over by a train. I also don't blame him for thinking I smell like cigarette smoke. I mean all the gangs in my school offer to sell me who knows what and when I get offended they say I smell like a druggie. Disgusting people, sheesh who do they think they are? Of course I am not a druggie! I am still in school aren't I? Well I guess I do kinda look like im on something with how sunken my eyes are and how skinny I am and how I am always leaving class and...SO YEAH MAYBE I LOOK A LITTLE LIKE AN ADDICT OR WHATEVER. The nerve of some people.

So I responded to Rusty saying "For one I am not a drinker or a smoker, my dad smokes and drinks beer sometimes." Well, all the time but I am not telling him that! "I do remember you and would love to meet with you and your parents. I will call now. Unless you're busy of course, then you can call me back."

Crap, im stupid and weird!

I ended up pushing past my gut on not calling because he probably thinks I am psychotic, but I called and got his address to meet him in an hour.

I started getting ready by putting on a little makeup. Meaning I covered myself in the palest foundation walmart had, which was still tanner than I was, and basically no eyeshadow.

I dressed semi-nice. Since I own nothing nice besides funeral dresses I wear to any event (including weddings it is hilarious) I decided to wear an old band t-shirt I know nothing about, but my brother liked in elementary school, some black jeans I own 4 of, and some socks and sneakers. I walked out of my room seeing the one and only Tyler Di Angelo (yes like nico, i am very jealous as well).

"Why are you here?" I questioned.

"Why do you look uglier than normal? Are you sick?" He chuckled at his horrible, girl doesn't wear as much makeup as normal so she is obviously dying, joke which is only funny to horrifying people who like him but not his sense of humour.

"Ha ha Ty, you are hilarious." I said smirking since he absolutely HATES the nickname 'Ty' cause his old girlfriend gave it to him and she dumped him. I'm glad because she was a jerk to me and flirted with my brother Jackson a lot. I mean I would go to the shop my dad worked at because I had to clean there (not that I got paid or anything) and I would walk NEXT to Tyler because I needed to pass him to get to the cleaning closet and she would be like 'Go clean Cinderella and stop checking out my boyfriend'. I WASN'T EVEN LOOKING AT HIM!!

"Do not call me that." He said in a so called 'intimidating' voice.

"Aww, you getting soft, baby?" I said in a fake sympathetic voice

"Yeah ok, Rose." He said to me following me into a kitchen to get a beer out of the fridge. I obviously rolled my eyes at him, knowing he knows I hate it when people call me Rose. No offense to any humans with the name of Rose but it seems to girlie to me.

"So, you never answered my question. Why are you here?"

"Why, am I not welcomed?" He asked popping the beer lid open like the illegal guy he is, he is drinking and not even 21, whatever I don't care what he does in his stupid life.

"I didn't say that. I just want to know why you are at my house as 9:00 in the morning."

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, not everyone sleeps till noon. Now if you would excuse me, I have work to do."

"Tyler!" I yelled, very annoyed.

He rolled his eyes and reluctantly turned towards me. "What?" He said in a rude, angered tone.

"Why. Are. You. Here?"

"Geez Victoria, im not from mars. Im cutting wood for your dad."

"Uh, why?"

"To make wooden baby dolls like in the olden days." He daid not caring enough to tell me.

"Fine be like that you piece of annoyance."

"Ha I will." He winked at me before walking away and going outside to cut more wood I guess.

While I reved up Jackson's motorcycle and went on my way to Rusty's house.

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