I know.

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After Spanish, is lunch but I grabbed Ian's attention before hand.

"Yes baby?" He asked as we were standing in the hallway while everyone else was running to lunch.

"You have to be a freaking icecream cone triple dipped in phyco to try to get with me just to see what my ribs look like."

"I mean whoever finds out first wins the bet for 20 dollars." He shrugged.

"Why the heck did you bet on my ribs? Do you guys have a rib fetish or something?" I asked.

"Ew, no, we were all just drunk and someone brought you up."

"Who?" I asked.

"I think his name was Sebastian.." He mumbled.

"Anyways if you want to win the bet here." I told him raising my shirt so he can see my unhealthy looking ribs.

"Sheesh woman eat a sandwhich." He said.

"You done?" I asked.

"No wait!" He smiled taking out his phone and taking a picture of my ribs then my extremely annoyed face.

I put my shirt down and started walking away but Ian grabbed my arm and kissed me on the cheek.


"Bye baby, and also do yourself a favor and get that bruise sorted out."

"I don't have a bruise!" I yelled. I mean I did but it was covered by makeup and I made sure of it so he can obviously NOT tell!

Then he got close to my ear.

"My step dad was abusive to my mom. She tried hiding it with makeup, but I could always tell. Use warm water it helps. Also tell an adult or a close friend whats happening. Abuse is illegal."

"No one is abusing me. I just got in a fight with some gang members and the bruises haven't healed." I told him.

"Suit yourself babe."

I walked to class and saw my friends.

James, Josiah, Skylar, and Anna just waiting to hear what I had to say.

"Why have you been so out of it?" Skylar asked.

"Jackson left home without saying goodbye." I told them.

"Yeah, with Faye." Anna said, Faye is her sister.

"I didn't think it would've been affecting you that much. Didn't you and your brother always fight?" James asked.

"Yeah...but James, you and Anna have 7 other siblings to mess with once Faye is gone. Skylar you have older and younger sisters, Josiah you have a bunch of sisters and a brother to hang out with. What if they all left and you had no one. Your mom was gone as well. Think about it for just a second!"

"We are here for you Viki." Josiah told me.

"I know."

Broken Little GirlWhere stories live. Discover now