April 10th

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This next chapter takes place 2 years later. Victoria is in a college dorm and has a roommate. She is still dating Rusty Tybo.

I heard the sounds of my alarm blaring, as I opened my eyes I realized it wasn't my alarm, but my roommate's. Noelle Anderson. She was quite annoying to say the least. First of all she had a different guy every week. She also had 6 different friends that she hung out with.

My day usually consisted of, waking up to her 5:00AM alarm, waking HER up because she claimed she needed to be her fittest. She had yoga or something I don't even know. Then while I'm in class she is home trashing the place with her friends, I come back she leaves, but for some reason my house being spotless at all times when I was young ruined me, because I can't work when a room is messy, so I have to clean her stuff. Usually as I am doing homework for the 2 classes I have she comes home with a boy and they make out WHILE I AM TRYING TO STUDY! So I hear the sound of saliva twitching from person to person.

Finally I escape to my next class and come back to clothes scattered on the floor and her telling random guy "oh she won't mind us baby" and they continue their loud sex.

I then usually have to try to do school but get stressed from the mess. Then he leaves she showers and goes to her second class and I clean her clothes from the floor and continue until I go to work. I work from 3:00PM-10:00PM. Once I get home there is usually more people in my dorm room and I shower, eat dinner, and politely ask them to leave. They never do. So I sit there until about 11 or 12 at night and they leave and when I finally am about to fall asleep she tries to have a conversation with me about my personal struggles and my love life and my parents and my childhood and proceeds to say "come to yoga!" Every. Night.

It drives me insane. While living at Mrs. King's house I learned something people call patience. I have not cracked and gotten upset at this...creature...for two years. TWO.

Today might be the day.

I woke to her alarm and proceeded to wake her up from the comfort of my bed.

"Noelle. Noelle Anderson. Noelle turn off your alarm!"

She didn't budge.

So I got up and turned it off. When I went to shake her awake I saw three hands. Two of them looked to be hers, but the other one was much bigger and... definitely didn't have hot pink nail polish.

My mind was going 100 miles a minute if possible. How did he get in? Did he get consent? Did he touch ME?! Did he touch my stuff?! This is against the rules!

I grabbed my pocket knife and a metal spatula and slowly lowered the blanket to see his face. They were definitely nude.

I then slapped his face with the spatula and stuck out my knife. He instantly woke up and was dizzy, then he saw the knife to his face and rose his hands.

"Noelle you better get up." The guy said.

Noelle slowly opened her eyes to see the situation.

"Viki don't do anything rash! It's ok! This is Austin, he is my new boyfriend."

"Is he now? Well Noelle it is against the rules for someone of the male species to be in a girl dorm room at night."

"Technically it isn't nighttime anymore." Austin said carefully.

"You have no room to talk to me. I am going to make myself some breakfast and I am going to need you to get dressed and leave. Immediately." I told him sternly.

"Oh um of course, of course." He trembled.

I turned away to the kitchen counter and started to make myself some Texas Toast with the toaster oven I bought. He left and Noelle got up and got dressed as well.

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