Happy Camper

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I laid there in that cold room, with that nose burning smell. Thinking about the only person I wanted to see. Rusty Tybo. Why did I have to meet such a mean man? He played me, hard. How could he even pull out that kind, kind behavior?

I laid there for hours, only one nurse came in with some pads that I paid her to go get for me. Other than that I was completely alone. Just waiting for my dad to arrive with some food. It has been three hours since he had left so I presumed that something came up at work.

Fortunately, my dad finally arrived with some fast food he snuck in. Wait. Are you freaking serious? He sent TYLER to bring me food?! HE COULDN'T EVEN MANAGE THAT FATHERLY TASK LET ALONE GETTING HERE ON TIME?!

Calm down Victoria, be thankful you get sonic.

Even though it's gross.

Ok, shut up.

"Here you go Victoria." Tyler told me handing me some very non-healthy food.

"Thanks, I guess." I muttered.

"You guess?" He asked me. He looked so intimidating, for certain he did not look 19. He looked like, 25.

"I was just hoping that once in my dads stupid life he could care enough to bring me food. For his daughter. He could do a fatherly task. Maybe!" I felt my eyes burn which made me mad because crying in front of Tyler is something I most definitely did not want to do.

"Israel had a customer and he was trying to get Nick or Dylan to take care of that rich snob, but they were both busy and the guy wanted Israel because he was the boss." Tyler explained in his deep voice with a slight Italian, New Yorker slang to his voice, which I thought was very funny and mesmerizing to listen to.

"I guess it is selfish to say that. You don't understand Tyler! My mom I have never met or seen. My brother can't help parent me anymore since he betrayed me by leaving and broke his promise. My dad is mean and hot-headed and illogical. I feel like I don't have parents!" I told Tyler, suddenly the tears started to fall and I mentally cursed. I hate crying in front of people. Especially Tyler who will make fun of me for it for the rest of my life.

"No Victoria. I do understand. My parents were murdered when I was 7. I had to live with my only family, my dads brother. Vinny. Vincent was always the kind of guy to try to make everyone laugh. I hated him for it because he took nothing seriously. As soon as I turned 13 I was in school, working at your dads shop for free and trying to juggle people bullying me. I started to work out a lot. My first big fight was in Vinny's front yard and these kids followed me home and were trying to beat me up. I gave one of them a broken rib and a fractured ankle, the other I gave a broken arm and a broken nose. I had to pay for their hospital bills and when Vinny heard about it he whipped me into shape. Not what you think. The guy taught me how to fight and knock someone out quick and easy without breaking their bones. I was 14 when I went into your dads business of y'know." Tyler explained. I knew what business he went into as well, gang leader.

"I'm sorry I was so insensitive." I said looking down as more tears ran down my face.

I felt as Tyler sat down and put his hand around my wrist making me look up.

"It's okay." He smiled. Yes, he freaking smiled! HOW ON EARTH I THOUGHT HE WAS INCAPABLE!!!

I smiled back and he got up and left. I began to realize I don't think about others lives that often. I only notice how bad mine is. I knew Tyler's parents died but I didn't really know how until today.

The next day the doctor came in saying I have to stay for another two nights because the entire night I was really unstable and my heart monitor kept spiking and almost stopping as I slept.

My dad arrived and heard the news. "I guess I have to go to the wedding by myself kid, I'll take pictures for you."

"What? No, no, no, no!" I said trying to sit up.

"I haven't seen Jackson in forever, I want to see my brother!"

"Tough luck, you're sick kiddo." My dad shrugged.

He left to go to work. We were suppose to drive to the hotel at 5:00PM and make to the hotel by about midnight. We would sleep for a while then get ready for the wedding and drive 15 minutes there. We would be at the wedding till 2:30 and go back to the hotel, pack up our stuff and go home. We would be home by midnight and then I would go back to school Wednesday. Even the Queen's were skipping a day of school for this trip.

I laid there upset and texted my brother for the millionth time saying that I was sick and couldn't come.

He didn't answer, as always.

I was laying in the room after the doctors took there 5th test and gave me meds and a boy walked in. Rusty.

I sat up so quick I got head rush. "What are you doing here?" I asked angry. "How did you know I was sick?!"

Rusty looked down embarrassed. "My mom told me."

"Oh I get it. Sally wants you to see me to try to make me feel better huh? Well I don't loser. I feel worse now, so GET OUT!"

"Victoria I have to explain something to you. Please it is important."

"I shouldn't give you the time of day Tybo."

"Please just let me explain, Reaper."

"Don't call me by my last name!" I yelled at him.

"You called me by my last name!" He yelled back.


"Fine, sure. Can I explain?" He questioned, I could tell he was getting irritated.

"Well cowboy, I don't have all day."

He muttered something and began his explanation towards me. "I like you. A lot. Maya manipulated me into being happy with her but I couldn't deal with it Victoria. That text was not from me. It was from Maya. She stole my phone, which annoyingly enough doesn't have a password to, because of my mom freaking out about cell phones and internet. I do like you and I finally got my phone back from Maya, but she told me to beware I guess. I want to go out with you. Like on a date if you will have me, once you're better of course."

I was stunned, shocked. What? "I-I yes, I would very much like that Rusty. Thank you." I smiled at the cowboy.

Rusty stuck around a little longer and we talked about our date idea and where to go. Then he left because he had to get back home and do chores.

I for one was a happy camper.


Hey y'all. This series is almost finished!! I am excited to finish it and I think it is the best book I have ever written personally.

How do you like Rusty?

How do you like Tyler? What is your favorite thing about him?

Who do you want more of?

Someone gave me this weird idea about giving Vinny his own spin-off? I don't know, maybe. What do y'all think about it?

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