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After class, I was walking down the hall to my locker to get some books for my next class when I was interrupted by a snotty blonde.

"Hey there nerd. Or should I say stupid nerd." She laughed.

"That literally makes no sense. Nerds are the people who study all the time and always have the right answer but get bullied for trying not to end up in McDonalds frying chicken nuggets like you." I countered. "So, please don't go saying stuff without educating yourself because frankly you sound extremely dumb."

Amber rolled her eyes and looked me up and down.

"I heard a rumor you were so skinny you're ribs showed." She told me.

"Wow intriguing." I said sarcastically shutting my locker.

Literally everyone has ribs! Yes, mine are dented outwards by a lot but do you know how weird it is when people ask to look at your ribs?!

"Is it true your a weak twig."

"Whatever makes you leave me alone."

"Answer my question you ugly fool!" She yelled.

"All you need to know is im not weak enough to punch you and make it hurt so please do me a favor and go bother someone who's patience is not about to explode." I told her turning away and going to class.

Sadly I was interrupted again by that one tattoed weirdo from the principles office.

"Hey baby." He said putting his arm around my shoulder and pushing me against him almost.

Note that I don't even go to his shoulders. His deodorant smells like a tree as well as his way to strong cologne.

"Please get off me, you smell strongly of a forest and the air is very bad down here." I told the tall guy.

"Nah." He said.

"What class are you going to?" He asked.

"Spanish." I grumply mumbled.


"Wow so cool." I said in my most sarcastic voice.

"You're cute." He smirked making me slightly blush.

Then I shrugged his arm off.

"Ok listen. I know what you're trying to do. You, like almost every other 'badboy' are trying to get every girl in bed and break their hearts but Im not falling for your sweet talk. So leave me be." I explained and walked quickly away.

Again getting stopped rather quickly.

"Im Carmella." A girl said.

"Um...hi." I told her slowly getting more and more anxious and impatient because school is literally about to start.

"I heard what you told Ian and it's true. I just wanted to warn you that him and his buddies are doing a challenge wear they try to get skinny girls in bed and make smart girls fall for them like in cliche love storys."

"What the heck?" I said confused.

"Everyone knows your skinny but for some reason there has been challenges going around seeing if your ribs really are defined, basically. It's really weird. I guess I have abnormally small feet and they wanted to see if it was true as well. So all the guys were trying to take my shoes off and it was uncomforting." She explained.

"Good to know. I will just show them my stomach and they can freaking leave me alone." I mumbled towards her.

She chuckled slightly. "But-"

Then the bell rang and I raced for class.

I arrived just in time and took my seat in front of Ian, the guy who has been bothering me for a while.

"Hola class. Before we begin we have a student who has been moved to this class, Hans Silo."

Are you freaking kidding me? Ambers brother is freaking 17 how terrible is he at spanish to be moved to the Sophomore spanish class?

Broken Little Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें