Cloud 9

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The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. I mean think about it.

We have a mind that holds memories and things we somehow need in later life. How do people know we will ever need any of those things? Why do we have dreams? What are dreams exactly? Does anyone know?

"Victoria Reaper."

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my math teacher Mr.Macintosh.

"Yes sir." I mumbled looking up from the floor I was staring at while in deep thought.

"Have you been paying any attention?" He asked.

I looked at the equation on the board, it looked like something Einstein would come up with.

"" I told him.

He sighed and looked at someone else in the room.

"Amber Silo?"


"The answer would be 87.4 Mr. Macintosh." She said in a somewhat perky 'im better than you tone'.

"Thank you. At least SOMEONE has been paying attention."

"Teachers pet." I fake coughed.

Then the room broke out in laughter and Amber gave me a death stare. I stared her straight in the eye as well with the coldest stare that I could muster and saw her slightly breaking.

"Miss Reaper, the principals office now."

Ugh, now she's smirking like she has won a metal or something. Pathetic.

"Gladly." I smiled at him and left the room.

As I arrived in the office to wait my turn to see Mrs.King, our principal, I went to the receptionist.

"Hello ma'am how may I help you." The women smiled.

"I was sent here by Mr.Macintosh." I told her handing her a card that he gave me.

"Alright, thank you. Your name please?"

"Victoria Rose Reaper." I told her.

"Ok, give me a mintue and stay seated on one of those chairs over there." She told me.

I did as I was told and sat in the black chair next to a tattoed buff black leather jacket smoke smelling boy.

"Hey there sweet pea." He said to me. He scooted himself next to my chair and put his arm around me.

I ignored him and took out my earbuds and iPhone and turned on some music.

Then he RUDLY took them out.

"Don't ignore me." He ordered.

The dude has no sense of personal space. I could feel his breath on my neck, so gross!

I turned to look at him. "Leave me alone." I said.

Then as his face was close to mine he squinted his eyes.

"Is that a bruise on your face, hidden by your freaking pale as snow makeup?" He questioned.

I put my hand on his face and pushed it away. "No, now go away." I ordered.

The receptionist came back and went to her computer typing away.

"What did a pretty scrony twig like you do to get in here?" He asked.

"For the last freaking time leave me alone." I glared.

Then he stared back into my eyes as if it was a challenge, moving closer and closer to my face until we were maybe 4 inches apart.

"No." He said with a smirk.

"Oh my goodness I'm going to murder someone in this room before the hours over because some weirdo thinks he is all that." I mumbled angerly.

"I am all that baby." He whispered.

"Ian Lloyd." The receptionists lady said.

"Tootles." I smirked.

Then he unfortunately winked at me and patted my hand before getting up and leaving.

I put my other ear piece back in my ear and sat there for a few songs, before the boy came out and winked at me AGAIN before leaving the room.

Weirdo has an eye problem, I mean come on.

"Victoria Rose Reaper." The lady said.

I took my earbuds out and paused my music tucking my phone in my pocket and going to Mrs.Kings office.

"Please sit." She said.

I did as I was told and waited for her to begin.

"Mr.Macintosh informed me that you disturbed class. Is this information true?" She asked.

"To an extent." I told her.

"How so?"

"I didn't intentionally disturb the class. I mumbled a comment and unfortunately everyone heard it."

"I see. Can you please enlighten me on what the comment was?" She asked.

"I said 'Teachers pet'."

"Ok? Can you please tell me the entire story?" She asked calmly.

"Yes, I was asked a question I didn't know the answer to. I passed and he asked Amber Silo instead. She meant to say her answer in a way to provoke me and Mr.Macintosh pushed my patience over the edge when he rudly informed I didn't know the answer. I apologize for not doing justice in answering your question in full detail but I didn't care enough to understand that I would be punished for calling someone teachers pet."

"Well, miss Reaper, name calling is not permitted in this school, and yes I know kids still do it, but name calling is certainly no place for a classroom while your in the middle of a lesson. So I will ask you to keep your comments to yourself. Please note that this is your second name calling warning and im not giving you another. If this happens again I will be giving you detention." Mrs.King told me.

"Yes ma'am. It won't happen again."

"Thank you for your patience, you may return to class." Mrs.King smiled.

I got up and left going back to class and seeing a very happy Amber acting like she was on cloud 9.

Ugh, I hate it when people are happy and Im not. Its so unfair.

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