Cinderelly Cinderelly

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The next morning I got up on time to take a quick shower and get ready for school. It was a Friday which was my absolute favorite day of the week.

I put my hair in double braids and put on makeup covering my face which at this point was a grape. My dad needs to let my bruises heal before he beats me, sheesh!

I grab my things and walk out into the oddly empty house.

"Huh weird." I said to myself.

Usually the guys are here or my brother is getting his last minute things in order or my dad is making himself coffee scowling at everyone. But no. It was empty. I mean it was 6:32 so Jackson had probably left a little earlier but I didn't expect my dad to be gone.


I glanced into his room. His bed was made and his room was the same.

The same dent in the wall from when he got so mad at me instead of punching my face into the wall to scare me he punched his punching bag so hard it swung and made a dent in the wall.

He had clothes on the floor and beer bottles everywhere and wrappers containing who knows what in them.

I left trying not to remember the day my dad scared the schnitzels out of me and grabbed my bagel putting cream cheese on it and setting it in foil and putting it in my lunch bag.

I grabbed the water bottle from the fridge and put it in there too, then I put the lunch bag in my backpack like I do every single day.

I put my backpack on and started for school.

As I was walking to school I noticed some dudes following me.

'Just get to the safty of school' I thought as I noticed no one was on this street like normal.

Then I saw an ally way and saw more guys who looked at me and started following me.

'Just walk. Pretend their not there' I reminded myself again.

But then as I pasted the dollar store parking lot another group of strong dudes started following me.

'Run.' I told myself.

So I did I started running but as I was about to turn the corner to the busy area of this city another group started walking towards me.

I was surrounded.

"Just relax." One dude winked.


He swung his fist at me and I ducked punching him where the sun don't shine making him flinch and groan.

Then a dude jerked the hood of my hoodie backwards and I quickly slipped it off now in a black tank-top.

I tried to move towards the busy area of town again when my hair was jerked backwards and I swiftly turned around punching the guy in the face as hard as possible. He let go. Now I can say my rings saved my life.

But then I got pounded from the side onto the ground.

Never mind my rings did nothing.

I opened my mouth about to scream when a hand went over it.

"Scream and I will kill your brother."

I closed my mouth, how does he know I have a brother? Then I swiftly swung my fist in his general direction as well missing him completely.

Then I was grabbed. My arms couldn't move and I couldn't get out of his hold.

Then I became one of the guys punching bag.

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