I would love too

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I woke up Saturday morning to my dads voice. "Get up moron!" He yelled.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to the bedroom door and saw my dad standing there with coffee in his hands and a scowl on his face.

"Why?" I asked sleepily.

He grumbled and said something incoherent. "You are working for me this entire day. Better call in sick with Dropper."

"So are you paying me?" I asked.

"No?" He questioned like it was the dumbest question anyone could ever think up, and he left my room. With my door open. Ugh.

That forced me out of bed and I shut the door and put on some dark blue jeans and a black ac-dc t-shirt that used to be my brothers.

He was a huge fan of ac-dc in middle school. The shirt was sadly still over-sized on me though. Even though he wore this when he was literally 12.

I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and put on a little foundation to hide the bruises.

After putting on the essentials, deodorant, perfume etc., I put on my sneakers and left the room.

"Took you long enough." My dad grumbled putting his now empty coffee cup in the sink.

I ignored his snarky comment and got a granola bar to eat.

"Hurry up, I have to open in 15 minutes!" He yelled.

I basically shoved the rest of the granola bar down my throat and took my morning pills, washing them down with water and left.

I rode with my dad on his motorcycle to the shop and my dad unlocked it letting me go in and turn all the lights on.

"Your first project will be to clean. Make sure the sitting area and bathrooms are spotless then make your way to the workshop and clean the break room." He ordered.

I sighed, this is going to be fun.

Note the sarcasm.

"Ok, and after I can just leave right?" I asked slightly hopeful.

"No." He said. Oh joy...

"After you finish cleaning come to me and I will give you more work to do. You are leaving when I leave." He demanded.

Just as our conversation ended Dylan opened the door.

"Morning." He mumbled tired and looked at me lazily. Then he took a double-take. "Hey there Victoria, what are you doing here?"

"She is helping out at the shop today. As punishment." My dad grumbled the last part.

"Sounds fun." Dylan laughed.

"Yeah, just peachy." I mumbled.

Willie then walked in dazed and hungover.

"Hey Victoria." He said tired. "Victoria? Wait am I seeing things?" He asked rubbing his head.

"No, Im here." I answered.

"Get to work Willie." My dad ordered and him, and Dylan, left the check-in-area, making their way to the back.

Marco walked in just as I was about to speak to my dad.

He literally was unfazed by me and my dad and just made his way to the back of the room annoyed.

"Is Marco alright?" I asked.

"He is to old for you to date y'know." My dad said in all seriousness.

"Wow, am I not allowed to worry about a humans well-being?" I asked.

My dad just glared.

Then Nick walked in.

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