Getting use to it

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The day after the funeral I packed all the stuff I wanted to keep from this old house. I packed all of my clothes and necessities like, makeup, deodorant, etc., and some safe keeps like a couple of my dads old stuff.

My grandma Addie left that morning and helped me pack my clothes. It was nice seeing her again, she offered to have me just go to Utah and live with her but I declined since I needed to just finish school here.

Mrs.King drove over in her mini van and picked me up and all my stuff, including my cat Egypt and all of her stuff. We went to Mrs.King's home and I was put in Diego and Josiah's old bedroom.

It had a bunk bed and 2 desks next to each other. It looked like Josiah slept on the top due to that bed not being made and the other one being all clean and perfect.

I would have to bunk with Josiah for the next few days before he drove off to his small apartment that he shared with one of his music buddy's, his name is Xavier Carson I believe.

I then exchanged my pillow for the one already set there and I set up all my stuff. My cat Egypt was getting a feel for the place and probably loving the attention from Josiah's little sisters Emma and Lilli.

After everything was set up Mrs.King called for dinner.

"Time to eat everyone!"

We all surrounded the table. I was sat next to Mrs.King and Emma while on the other side was Josiah, Lilli, and Mr.King.

"This looks lovely dear." Mr.King remarked happily.

"Thank you!" Mrs.King smiled.

"Emma, it is your turn to pray over the meal." Mrs.King told her.

"Ok mom!" The little 8 year old gleamed.

After Emma prayed everyone started dishing food. I watched as they all chatted asking one person after the other to pass this or that. Once they all got a portion to eat I grabbed myself some too.

It was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. I don't normally eat this sort of dinner so I got a bit of each.

"So Jacob, how was work today?" Mrs.King asked her husband.

"It was just fine, a bit stressful, but not too bad. Josiah are you working on any new music?"

"Yeah trying, I don't know if I like it though. It needs something...I don't know what." Josiah shrugged.

As I sat at the dinner table watching everyone talk, laugh, and eat peacefully I noticed how uneducated I was in this dynamic.

My father and I would just eat silently, no talking, no laughing, no prayers or questions. We would eat and then I would clean and go do school and get ready for bed. Unless of course the guys came over and then we would usually order take out because we didn't own enough food portions for everyone.

It was nice to see how a normal family interacted with each other. I mean this family in particular are known to be kind people so it didn't really surprise me too much, just strange to actually see a group of people like this.

"What about you Victoria?" Mrs.King asked.

"I'm sorry, I spaced, what about me?" I questioned, escaping from my trance.

"What do you want to go to college for?" She asked.

"Oh, I was thinking Psychology. I would like to learn about the human brain and how everything works."

"I'm sure you would be quite successful in that." Mr.King smiled.


After dinner everyone took their plates to the sink and the kids started to do chores. I offered to do the dishes, but Mrs.King declined saying it was Lilli's turn and that I would be assigned my own set of chores.

"Now Victoria, here is our chore list," she pointed to a checklist on the refrigerator. "I update it once a week. At the moment Lilli is doing dishes and counters, Emma is doing dishwasher and floors. You will be doing minimal work for now since I don't know what your chores were like back at home. I will have you do your own laundry. I wash laundry but all my kids fold and put away their own. I will also like for you to wash off the table after dinner and pick up after your cat. Meaning litter, food, and grooming. Is that ok for you?"

"Yes that is fine. I can do even more if you'd like. I don't mind doing all of the chores, you and your family's hospitality is very appreciated."

"No need to over-do yourself dear. Like I said I don't know how many chores you did when you lived at your house, but you have to understand we are a much larger family and use a lot more dishes. My kids come in and out of my house. Gypsy comes for dinner quite often and when on breaks Niki will come back home as well. You don't need that kind of pressure. I also like to have all of my kids do chores around the house. It gives them good life skills. As for you specifically, once you get the hang of our routine here I will give you more things to do. Although unlike my little ones, even my older ones at your age, you have a job. 2 in fact I believe. We will help pay for any of your medicines but if you choose to keep both jobs that is your choice."

"I can pay for my own medicine but thank you for the offer. I like both my jobs as well. I can do them and still get my school done, thank you again."

"No problem sweetheart."

I went to bed that night just thinking about the pros of this situation to help my mental state.

I know this family eats out almost every sunday, and they go to church which may be a little difficult for me since on Sunday's I work from usually 7-8 or 9 at Rusty's farm.

Oh my goodness. I am going to look so weird!

Get this: Their family? Tall. Me? 4'11. Their family? African American. Me? Literally the palest human alive, also I don't even know my ethnicity, probably European.

Niki is the shortest child of theirs fully grown and she still is like 5'3 or 5'4! Josiah is like 5'9 and Mr. King is like 6'1 while Mrs.King is 5'7. These people really! Even their son Diego who is about 20 or something is 5'10 and their eldest daughter Gypsy is 5'5.

In my family I know my dad was somewhere around 6'3 same with my brother. Man my mom must have been short!

I will literally be the white sheep in the black sheep herd, of course there is nothing wrong with it, but their families reputation is spectacular while mine is the definition of sketchy. What if I embarrass them?

I opened my eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the bedstand next to me. It read: 1:13AM.

I drifted off to sleep very slowly because I wasn't use to someone above me literally moving the entire bed every second!

This will need some getting use to.

Sorry about my absence. Life has been hectic lately so I haven't been in wattpad in quite some time. Happy Holidays!

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