Surprise, Surprise

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"Surprise!!"  Screamed many different people, well actually just Skylar, Anna, James, and Josiah.  Including Josiah's family, Mr. and Mrs. King, Diego, Niki, and their two little kids Lilith who is 9 and Emmeline who is 7.  The King family has an older daughter named Gypsy but she is Jackson's age and has already moved out into an apartment with her 2 other friends.

"Oh." is all I said, because frankly I didn't really want to make a big deal about my sweet 16.  I would have been fine coming home and taking a shower then sitting in my bed with my cat eating any bit of food I could find in the pantry that I had left just to splurge a little.  I only have 2 dollars so I didn't want to buy anything with it.

"Happy Birthday sweetie!" Mrs.King said to me with a big smile across her face.

"Thank you Mrs.King." I smiled back.

"Rosie!!" Emmeline said coming at me with big open arms.  "Hey there squirt." I said giving her a hug.

She called be Rosie when she was really little.  I have two first names Victoria Rose, so usually they call me Viki but Josiah taught Emmeline that I was Rosie in order to annoy me, I thought it was kinda cute but now Emmeline and Lilith both call me Rosie. That or Viki, rarely ever Victoria.

"Hi Rosie." Lilith shyly smiled, she is so freaking cute!  She is super shy and quiet as well as introverted. 

"Hey there Lillie."

Before anyone else could wish me a happy birthday I started talking. "Thanks to all of you guys for the birthday surprise, but where is my dad?"

As soon as I said that my dad walked in with a very grumpy Tyler behind him.  I silently wished no other friends of my dad would show up and my little wish was granted.

"Im right here Victoria." My dad grinned.  I knew it was fake. He is very good at fake smiles but come on, im his daughter, I can tell which is which.  My dads true smile is very kind and warm looking while his fake smile may look real to the uneducated but if you really look you can tell by how it is subtle.

Tyler got a small cake out of a walmart sack and set it on the table. Anna and Skylar surprised me with a big hug.

"Hey girls." I smiled happily. I missed them and haven't hung out with them in a really long time.

"Who is the cute guy angrily putting candles on your cake." Anna asked.

I looked over to Tyler and saw my dad quietly whispering something in his ear as he shoved candles in my cake.  "He's 19." I told her.

"Dang it." She said snapping her fingers and watching Skylar laugh.

I walked over to my dad and looked at him weird. 

"What now?" My dad asked me.

"Are you actually letting people come in your house and letting them throw me a surprise birthday party?" I asked.

"Victoria, just shut up and be thankful." Tyler mumbled to me finishing his task.

"I am thankful, it's just weird."

"Well, Tyler and I won't be staying. We have to go back to work for some annoying dude who wants his car engine fixed by tomorrow." My dad said sighing afterwards.

"Don't kid yourself, this isn't your scene, it isn't mine either." I grinned at him and walked away.

My dad and Tyler soon finished the cake thing and unpacking the bit of food from walmart for us to eat.

I was talking to James, Anna, Skylar, and Josiah when Tyler walked over to me and my dad left to go outside.

"What Tyler." I asked him

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